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April 22, 2008 - Tuesday

Sunny and warm.


A good day! I didn't get up very early. Sigh. But, it was early enough for me.

I had a quiet day at home. In the afternoon, I cooked my brunch, did dishes and then headed off to the school. I had to prepare quickly as I thought I'd be there earlier. It was't bad, except for the cards. Sigh. The cards are so annoying. I've read that the new version of the text uses one sided cards. That would be sooo much better.

My classes went well, and then I prepped for Thursday's first class. After my paperwork was done, I called Fumihiko and was surprised when he didn't answer. I left a message and then he called me back about 10 minutes later. He'd just finished work. It was 9:00pm. Good gravy. Kind of late.

He was in charge of dinner tonight, so he suggested going to Bronco. It was their 15 percent off night, so we did. I had sirloin steak and Fumihiko had a one pound steak! I thought he was crazy, but that's what he wanted. He said it was a bit tough. Mine was good though.

We went to the grocery store after dinner and bought a few groceries. I'm going to cook tomorrow night. Thursday and Friday I'll work late, so I don't really want to cook then.

We came home and I made coffee and we watched Monk. It was actually quite good tonight. It seems like they've improved the show a bit.

There was a documentary from Canada about how they deal with violence in a school in the Maritimes. It was very interesting.

Fumihiko went off to sleep a little after that and is now sawing logs. I'm thinking of trying to get this posted soon and then off to bed. I doubt it'll happen, but I can try, can't I?

Tomorrow I'm off work. I wonder what I'll get up to? Come back and see tomorrow night! Night night.


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