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April 24, 2008 - Thursday

Rainy all day.


Not much new to report about today, except for one unusual thing. The power went out today sometime around 10:50. I was going to take my shower but had to wait because almost everything in our apartment runs on electricity. It very rarely happens here, which is why it was so surprising when it did. It was out for about 10 minutes.

I watched last night's episode of Damages...not totally decided on that show....then tuned in for today's CSI : Miami. I watched a little of The Unit too, but decided to leave for work. I thought the rain was letting up a little so I didn't wear my raincape, just my pink raincoat.

I stopped at the drugstore then went on my way. I didn't get soaked, but I wasn't dry either! I hung up my outer clothes in the shower to dry.

I had prepared for my classes, but I did a little checking and also a bit of homework preparing. Students will be away for a week, so they should have extra to do.

My two classes today were fine. My first two students weren't early today (and they weren't late either) which made me happy. My second class was good. The student and I did a lot of talking and enjoyed ourselves. We did a bit of talking about not just the message but the cultural differences of giving the message. It was a good conversation. She isn't able to say exactly what she means yet, but she's grasped that there is an important difference between our cultures in how we say things.

Fumihiko picked me up after work today and took me to Gusto. We had quite a nice meal there. I had pasta, they have a Japanese style pasta with shrimp and rapeseed blossoms. It was very nice. I was surprised to see there was a table of foreigners when we came in. I didn't know any of them. I felt a little strange because one of the people was talking really loudly. We sat quite far away from them and I could still eavesdrop if I wanted to.

We made a quick stop at the grocery store and then came home. It was late when we got here so Fumihiko took a bath and a little while later went to bed. I really should try to get to bed soon too. I work late tomorrow night and I don't want to yawn all the way through my last class!

I'll catch you tomorrow! Night night.


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