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May 20, 2008 - Tuesday

Rainy and very windy, then clearing a bit later on.


I slept in this morning, and enjoyed it! I got up, showered and then spent a bit of time on my computer. After a bit I did a bit of preparation on tonight's dinner. I sliced the zucchini and cut up the mushrooms.

During the day, the wind was really bad. At one point, I looked out the window and I could see small branches from the trees flying through the air. The trees were really moving and the rain was coming down a bit too.

I had my lunch and then headed out to work. Luckily, the rain had stopped and the wind had died down a bit too.

Classes went well today. I found out that one of my students will be away for two weeks. It's a shame that I didn't find out before class as I could have given him extra homework. My last class went well. I gave the students a music trivia quiz and they did really badly at it. I felt a bit sorry for them. One of the students is young so I guess that makes sense too.

I came home with Fumihiko and then cooked dinner.

Fumihiko has gone to bed now. He's in a bit of a huff. I'm not sure why that is, I'm the injured party. Whatever!

Tomorrow he's off work, so I really hope that he gets over his little snit. I'll have a lovely day if he doesn't.

Anyway, I have to sign off now. Have a good night and I'll likely talk to you tomorrow. Night.


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