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May 19, 2008 - Monday

Muggy and hot. Feels like a storm is coming.


I got up this morning and then watched an episode of Bewitched. After that I went back to sleep a bit more. When I got up for the second time I stayed up.

I had a quiet day at home. I ate a couple of bagels, watched the weekend's TV on tape, basically just enjoyed myself.

When Fumihiko came home he did a spot of cleaning up and then went and had a nap. I got some books ready to send off to a friend and then went to join him.

We got up almost right away to have dinner. We planned to go to a local pasta restaurant, but when we got out to the car, Fumihiko suggested going to the new okonomiyaki restaurant nearby. I've wanted to go there for a while, but he's never been on board before. We went, we were the only customers there, but it was really neat. We had Hiroshima style okonomiyaki which is very different from the kind I've had before. The cook made it for us on a huge grill. It had yakisoba, mounds of cabbage, meat, egg, and was really good. Usually the okonomiyaki is made like a pancake and all the ingredients get mixed in at once, but here he cooked everything separately and then assembled it for us. We were a bit silly and had the same thing or we could have mixed and matched, but for our first time, it was really nice.

We bought a few groceries after that. I'm going to make dinner tomorrow night. It'll be chicken and veggie stir-fry. I was really happy to see zucchini at a reasonable price for a change, so I got one to put in.

We came home and spent a quiet evening together. We watched Medium for a change and I think Layer Cake is on next. I'm not sure if I'll watch all of it or not. Maybe.

Anyway, I'm blogging much earlier than I usually do, so I can hope to get to bed at a semi-decent time. I'll let you know tomorrow night how it goes! Talk to you then. Night night.


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