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May 21, 2008 - Wednesday

Warm and sunny, gorgeous day.


Despite a bad start to the day, it wasn't bad overall! Hurray for that.

I got up to an empty house. Today Fumihiko had the day off, but he'd gone to bed not talking to me, and got up and left also not talking to me. I dressed and checked my computer stuff. He came home, said a grumpy "hello" to me after I said it to him and then closeted himself in the bedroom. Door Closed.

I watched the British News on BS1 then after a long while decided to at least do something that was needed for my school. I went to the post office. I had to walk as my bike hadn't been unloaded from the car yet. However, the post office isn't that far and the walk did me good! I got some more revenue stamps and then came back home.

After a while someone came out of the bedroom and I asked if I could get my bike back. It was amazing how friendly he was at that point. After that, it was a bit like nothing had happened.

We went out to go to the drugstore and also for lunch. Got to the restaurant and discovered that we didn't have our discount card. Came home to get it. At home, discovered that it was in the car after all, just hidden away. Went back to the restaurant. Had lunch. It wasn't bad. Then, Fumihiko tried to show me his new car, but we couldn't find it. Apparently, it's at the dealership, but they have to put some add-ons on it. But, it was gone. I suggested that maybe it had been stolen, but I don't think hubby thought it was funny.

After that, I suggested going out to the mall to see a movie. When we got there, we had a choice of two films, Charlie Wilson's War, starting almost immediately, and Prince Caspian , starting at 8:30. Fumihiko suggested seeing both, but then I pointed out that Prince Caspian wouldn't end until 11 pm, so we'd have a very late night. He has a busy day at work tomorrow so he said just one. We went to Charlie Wilson's War, and I have to say that I really enjoyed it. The acting was great (with all those Academy Award winners/nominees in the main roles, it darn well should be!) and I really liked how smart it was. At the end when I saw who wrote it, I wasn't that surprised, Aaron Sorkin, creator of The West Wing. The whole movie gave a lot of background to the situation in Afghanistan.

After the movie we had a coffee at Seattle's Best Coffee and then talked about dinner. I suggested a new restaurant in Sakata, Spice Magic, an Indian Restaurant. After a visit to the book store in the mall, that's where we went.

We were the only patrons in the restaurant, and it was a buffet. It was really good. There were 3 types of curry, nan, salad, soup, saffron rice, and a few other things on offer. The nan was made just for us, so it was really fresh. We also had oolong tea with our meal. We could have had ice cream too, but we were too stuffed! The price was really reasonable. It passed the litmus test of "Would we ever go again?" Hopefully! I'm a little miffed though. Sakata now has two Indian restaurants and Tsuruoka doesn't have any. It's NOT FAIR!

We came home via the grocery store, and Fumihiko went to bed fairly early. I'm up a bit too late, but I had to do a bit of work on my computer. I mean that literally, as I had to find something for my class tomorrow.

Well, that's it for me. It wasn't a bad day after all, although until 2:30 or so, I thought it would be. Wish me luck tomorrow. Night night!


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