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July 30, 2008 - Wednesday

Hot and sunny, a little humid.


I had a pretty good day, even though I didn't go out! I got up and tried to watch the news. As usual, it wasn't on. I did get to see Ichiro make his 3000th career hit, but to quote Rhett Butler, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." Yawn. I ended up napping on the couch for a while.

When I woke up I checked email and then did a search for cucumber soup. I found a recipe that I had the ingredients for (or that I could easily fake). I spent the next few hours in the kitchen creating my soup. Even the unfinished product was mighty tasty, so I looked forward to dinner this evening. I was quite busy. I had to peel the cucumbers, then slice them. I had to sweat part of an onion and some chopped garlic, add the cucumber slices and some stock, simmer with some curry powder and then whirr in the blender for a bit. That got to chill in the fridge for a while.

I had a quiet day at home apart from that. I did a bit of school work, I wrote a letter about my holidays for Fumihiko to translate, and also took some advice columns off the net for an upcoming class. I watched a lot of the TV that was on as well, including repeats of Grey's Anatomy, The Unit ( my first time to see this one) and Criminal Minds.

Fumihiko came home around 6. I was showering at the time. He popped out again to pick up his bike and to take my very old bike back to the bike shop. I haven't used it in years.

We had a good chat for a while and then Fumihiko promptly fell asleep for a couple of hours. I finished up the soup. I had to add the yogurt, chopped mint and some cubed cucumbers to it. As he wasn't ready to eat yet, I put it all back in the fridge. Finally, after 9 pm I woke him up and made him come and eat.

I ladled the soup out into chilled bowls. It had quite a kick to it with the curry. I may have used a little too much, but honestly, I like curry so I didn't mind. After we'd eaten the soup, I baked a pizza in the toaster oven. We had the small pizza with some salad. It made a nice dinner all in all.

Fumihiko was still so sleepy that I let him off the dishes. Basically he's spent the remainder of the evening sleeping on the chesterfield. Every time he wakes up I tell him he should go to bed, he nods sleepily and then goes back to sleep!

Anyway, that was my day. I discovered how to make a new dish, and I didn't spend any money today. What an amazing thing!

Tomorrow I have only one evening class, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do with myself for the rest of the time. Wish me luck! Night night.


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