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July 31, 2008 - Thursday

Cloudy and a little humid.


I got up this morning, saw there was baseball on and planned to go back to sleep, but didn't. Surprise! I checked email instead.

I had a really quiet time at home today. I did a couple of loads of laundry mostly so I could say I did something!

I left for work around 5 pm. I was wearing a t-shirt and it was really cloudy so I was worried about rain, but it was fine. No problems. I didn't stop anywhere today, I went straight to my school.

The school was surprisingly warm for a non-sunny day. It was 29.7 degrees. Yuck. Using the fan and the AC I was able to cool it down quite a bit. I got ready for my class. I was mostly ready, but I had a few last minute things to do. When the students came we had a pretty good time. I'm not sure that they really "got" the target, but next week we go over it again so it should be okay.

After class I finished my paperwork and then called Fumihiko. I got his voice-mail. I c-mailed him. No answer. Then I even tried phoning our apartment phone. No answer. I left a message. Finally around 9 pm he called me. His new phone's battery was dead. Hmm. I'm worried at that because he killed two batteries in his old phone, so he's already close to doing that with his new one? Oh no.

He picked me up and we had dinner in Cocos. I had taco salad tonight and it was quite good. I also tried the special tea of the month. It was Ocean Summer Tea and was a lovely greeny-blue. If I read the ingredients right it had lime and lemon verbena in it. It was quite nice.

We came home via the grocery store. I'm going to cook tomorrow night after work. We'll have coro-coro steak, zucchini something and probably shu-mei, with salad.

The last few hours at home we've just been kicking back and relaxing. Fumihiko is translating my holiday letter for me to give to my students. I like to give them lots of notice that I'm going to go away.

So that's it. My day. It was nice and quiet.

Talk to you tomorrow most likely, night night!


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