Hot and sunny, very rainy at night.
Today was a great day! It really was. I'm terribly surprised, but in a good way. This morning I woke up to see my husband with his new hair cut. He'd gotten his hair cut, but not the old super short cut that I was dreading, just a bit shorter for summer. It looked good. Yay him.
I got up soon afterwards and watched the end of one of his Airport movies with him. I think I've mentioned this before, but my husband really, really loves airplanes. He's crazy about them. He can rattle off all kinds of data about planes. Me? I just fly in them. I don't care that much about them. Still, I try to humor him once in a while. He puts up with my movie fanaticism after all!
We had an okay lunch at the Daiichi Hotel, then popped over to Yamaya to get more decaf coffee. It's much cheaper there than at any of the big coffee chains, and it's not bad either. I did a quick run through the hundred yen shop, but didn't get too much. Then, we came home for a few minutes.
Fumihiko and I went fishing in the early evening. We drove off to Kamo port and dropped a few lines in. Fumihiko did really well and got quite a few fish. Me, I wasn't so lucky. I was feeding the fish more than catching them. After a while, the only thing I caught was my pants. I don't know how, but I snagged them with my hook! Lucky they were loose ones and I didn't catch ME! Fumihiko stopped for a while and helped me by baiting my hook. At that point, I started to catch fish. I had a couple get away, but I also nabbed two little fish. Yay me. We stopped just as it was getting really dark. It was fun though.
We had dinner in a little cafe in Yunohama. It was okay. I had pasta, it was like carbonara, but not called carbonara.
We came home, and Fumihiko cleaned all the fish and then cooked them. He wanted me to have some, but I just wasn't in the mood. I was also quite full from dinner, so I passed. We watched Jurassic Park 3 on the telly, and then later Fumihiko put in the original Airport movie, the one with Dean Martin and Burt Lancaster. It holds up remarkably well, although the security procedures are laughable.
And that was my day. It was good. Fumihiko even thanked me in the evening for giving him such a nice day! I was a bit surprised really, but it was nice. We do have good days sometimes you know!
That's it. Tomorrow I'm hoping to go to the mall, maybe have a coffee or tea. I'd like to get out of the apartment if the weather isn't bad. Tune in tomorrow night and see what mischief I can make! Night night.
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