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August 30, 2008 - Saturday

Cloudy most of the day, with rain in the afternoon and evening.


The day didn't get off to a good start to be honest. I was woken up before 7 am by my husband getting ready to go to the doctor's office. Sigh. Then, when he came back 20 something minutes later, he woke me again. He had to go to the doctor's office and put in his card, so he'd get to see the doctor earlier than if he waited for the office to really open.

When I woke up for good, Fumihiko was out, so I made the bed and then took my shower. I did a bit of internet stuff, and then Fumihiko came back.

We went out for brunch to Gusto, then Fumihiko dropped me off at my school. I got ready for, and then taught my first class. It went quite well. The student brought me back a souvenir from her trip. That was thoughtful.

After my class I decided to go out and buy the purse, the one that I talked about a couple of days ago. I biked off to the drugstore. I had anothter good look at it, poked and prodded it, tried it on to see if it would work as a backpack for me, and then put it in my basket. I got a few other things from the store and then paid. I went back to my school. It was a good thing that I left the store when I did as it was just starting to rain. I made it safely back to the school.

I relaxed for a while, and transfered the things from one purse to the other. It didn't long. I read some of the book that I'm working on, Scapegallows. It's rather good.

When my next student came we also had a good class. I was happy to learn that she's going to continue studying with me as well. Yay.

When I cleaned everything in the school up, and did my Tuesday set up, I called Fumihiko. He came to get me and instead of going home, we went straight to Mikawa Mall. We checked the movie times and decided to see Hancock at 9:30. In the meantime we had an okay dinner at one of the malls more generic restaurants, then did a little shopping. I got something for my sister and my niece, and some sunflower seeds for me. Yay me.

The movie theater was crowded today. As it was the 30th of the month, it was cheap night, so lots of people were there. We were lucky. Fumihiko had some free movie coupons, so we go to see the movie for free. Yay us.

I have to say that Hancock surprised me. I really enjoyed it a lot. It was more thoughtful than I thought it would be. I knew that there was a twist in the story, but it was a good one, and was one I didn't expect. I'll try to post a review soon...but I still owe one for Mummy 3!

We came home via the grocery store. I had a huge craving for ice cream! We both got some, and then came home. I put on What About Brian? so I introduced it to Fumihiko. I think he liked it a bit.

That was mostly my day. Fumihiko went to bed a little bit ago, but he's not really sleeping yet. I did have a bit of a "Oh my gosh, he reads my blog!" moment today though. I showed him my new purse and he said, "Oh yes, you were writing about that before." He even said he would have bought it for me, but he didn't know where I'd seen it!

Anyway, my day turned out to be great, despite the early morning. Tomorrow, I hope will also be good. Wish me luck with that, please. Night!


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