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August 31, 2008 - Sunday

Sunny and a bit muggy.


Today was a surprisingly good day. I didn't go to bed terribly late for a change, so that made a big difference. Fumihiko got up before me of course, but didn't wake me up completely. Hurray! Around 10:30 I woke up and invited him for a cuddle. It was nice. I struggled to properly wake up, and we had a chat. I think I even managed to get up around noon. I think I was earlier, but am not sure now.

We had dinner at a hotel today, not the Daiichi one though, the Washington Hotel. When Fumihiko suggested it I thought he was joking, but he wasn't. Still, it was a good choice. We were on the 8th floor, so we had a lovely view of Tsuruoka and the surrounding area, plus it was quiet in the restaurant. They had "muzak" versions of some of my favourite pop songs so from time to time I regaled Fumihiko with "Saturday Night, Dancing in the Dark and Rock this Town. I think he liked it.

After lunch, we went to Yamaya and got some decaf coffee, sunflower seeds and jasmine tea. That was all! After that, we came home and picked up the old TV. We took it back to the store for recycling. Yay us. Hubby had told me this morning that some of his co-workers had suggested taking it out to the mountains and dumping it. Huh? He said to me, "If they find it and trace it back to me I could get into trouble." Then I said, "It's MY TV. I'd be the one that would get into trouble."

We went for coffee after our recycling good deed. We went to S-Mall to Doutors. I had tea again. Yum. After that we did something that I've been putting off for a while. I got Fumihiko to go with me and get my rings re-sized again. Sigh. I had them quite small when I lost weight, but now that I'm gaining again, I can't wear them properly. I hope I'll be able to wear them for a while at least. It was fun trying to help the guy with the engraving inside of the rings. Both of mine have something on the inside. Nope, not going to say what!

We came home for a while and watched Million Dollar Baby. Fumihiko had watched part of it yesterday, and wanted to finish today. That was fine with me. It's a great movie.

A bit before 8pm tonight, we went for dinner. We went to M's Dining. It was their last night tonight and so we were quite sad. It was busy, but we got a good table. Sadly, our meal wasn't terrific, but I guess it's understandable. The manager came over to say thanks to us for coming so often. We tended to go at least once a week so we really will miss the place. When I was low-carbing, it was one of my favourite places to go as I could always have lots of choices.

We came home afterwards, and Fumihiko watched some of the extra features on Million Dollar Baby. He went to bed a little while ago. The humid weather that we've had lately is sooooo not good for his back.

And that's it. My day. It really was quite good. I feel like I actually got to enjoy the weekend with my husband for a change. The last couple we've had fights, so it was lovely to be getting on well with each other.

I've got to go. Night night.


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