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September 1, 2008 - Monday

Hot and sunny. Nice day.


I had a good day today. Yay! I got up when my alarm rang. Of course, there wasn't any news, so I watched the last hour or so of French Kiss. It's not a great movie, but it has a great performance from Kevin Kline. After that was over I made the bed and then vacuumed the apartment. Yay me. I also did a bit of cleaning in the toilet room and the shower.

After I finished my shower I watched a couple of episodes of my Saturday TV. I watched Cold Case, and I have to say that at the end I was crying! It was a good kind of crying though. I like that show. Also caught CSI which was neat too.

A little after 2:30 I left to go to the bank. I just made it in time. I paid my school's bill and ran into an ex-student from way back. After paying my bill, I went to the other bank and used their machine to make a deposit.

All my business stuff done, I went to the mall. I did a little window shopping and then had an iced coffee drink and a sandwich at Doutors. I read some of my book too. It was nice to just be out and about and reading.

When I finished, I took myself over to the grocery store where I was presented with a pink garbage bag, a packet of tissues and a flyer that I couldn't really read. Basically, it was just about then new rule at the grocery store that they don't give out bags for free. They now cost 5 yen, so people should bring their own. I got my Royal Milk tea powder, paid for it, and then put it in my backpack! I didn't need a bag.

I stopped briefly at the bakery to get some bagels for us, then came home again. It was really nice to go out under my own power, in good weather.

Came home and did computer games for a while, then when Fumihiko came home we chatted for a bit. We went out for dinner later to Kintaro Sushi. I think I ate more than he did, but all of my sushi was the really cheap stuff! The first time I ever ate Keitensushi I was with a student who didn't have a lot of money, and neither did I at that point, so I got the cheap stuff. Honestly, I still like it the best! I'm not a big shellfish fan, so having expensive stuff is wasted on me.

We came home via the grocery store where we picked up some food for tomorrow's dinner. I'm going to cook chicken and Fumihiko is going to cook fish. That should be interesting.

At home, Fumihiko put on the news and we discovered that the Japanese Prime Minister is going to resign. Big deal for me. I couldn't remember his name anyway.

While he was watching the boring news reports (they were for me, maybe not to someone else!) I headed into my closet. I grabbed a bunch of my clothes and tried them on. Anything that was too tight got piled up, anything that I could wear, but don't got put into another pile. I yanked a lot of stuff out of my closet. It's really sad, some of my clothes haven't been worn. So, if anyone reading this would like some shirts or a nice casual jacket in the 16-20 size range, let me know! I'll send pictures off-line. Most of them are very gently used.

At 11 I took a break to watch Medium. Tonight had her brother coming into town again. It was rather interesting. Also, David Arquette, Patricia's brother directed the episode. The Arquette family seem to be on my TV a lot these days!

That basically was my day. Fumihiko is finally off to bed, although not sleep yet. Today was good. I got a lot of "stuff" done. I feel like I accomplished a lot. Tomorrow I'm back to work in the evening. I've got to go. Night night!


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