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October 8, 2008 - Wednesday

Sunny and warm. Lovely day.


Fumihiko got up early this morning and surprisingly, so did I. I didn't get up when he left though, but for me, it was still quite early when I got up. I managed to watch news, so I was quite happy.

In the early afternoon I got ready to go out. I had a long list of chores for myself to do. I had to mail some funds to my sister to cover my last hotel stay, then I had to pay for a convention that I'm going to in February. After that, I had to go to my bank, pay two bills, go to my school's bank and make a deposit, and then finally, I would be done! I had to get everything sorted out before I went on my way. I even wrote my sister a thank you note for letting me stay at her home.

Things went quite well and I got everything done before the banks closed. Whew. However, I found that the banks today were just too hot. I went inside and immediately began to sweat. I had to grab one of my handkerchiefs from my purse to mop my brow. It was horrible. Haven't they heard of air conditioning? I'm glad I never worked at that bank.

After doing all my necessaries, I decided to take a break and have a tea and sandwich in Doutors. I tried their new one, roast chicken and kabocha salad. It was sloppy, but good. When I finished, I walked around the mall a bit then came home.

Fumihiko was going to be late tonight, so I relaxed at home. I spent time on my computer and even prepped a few things for dinner tonight.

It was after 8 when Fumihiko came home, so after he changed I started cooking. It was just pork stirfry again, but I haven't made it in ages. Tonight I did something that I know I'm supposed to do, but rarely do. I let the pan get really hot before I put the meat and veggies in. It really made a difference. The veggies came out a lovely crispy-tender and the meat wasn't overcooked. Hurray. I think Fumihiko liked dinner. He had his with some rice, I just had the stirfry. He did the dishes, although I did say that I would do them. He was quite tired when he came home tonight.

We had a quiet-ish evening tonight. Hubby watched baseball (yuck) and then something else which actually wasn't all that annoying. I taped a new show at 11 that I'll try and watch tomorrow. The Amazing Mrs. Pritchard has finished sad to say. I liked it a lot.

That was basically that for my day off. I spent a lot of time on my computer but got a lot of things done that I needed too. Oh, and one more thing I did today. I made a namecard for our door. We have a big sign on the door with hubby's family name on it, but when I get mail the post office doesn't know if they should leave it here or not. So, today, I typed up our initials and family names, printed it out, and put it in the doorbell holder. Yay me.

That's it for me. Got to go! Night-night.


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