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October 9, 2008 - Thursday

Sunny but humid.


Today was an okay day, for the most part. I got up at a decent time, watched the news (hurray!) showered, that kind of thing.

I've been looking forward to getting the bimonthly magazine of my women's support group for the last couple of months because I had written a new column for it. However, when the magazine appeared today, my article wasn't in it. I didn't receive any explanation from the editor so I don't even know if it was an oversight or a deliberate omission. If I had been told before the magazine arrived in my mailbox I might have been less disappointed. I'm now rethinking whether to even bother with the next column I had planned.

For my lunch today, I reheated the last of the stirfry from last night and then put that in my omelette along with the usual cheese and ham. It was so yummy. I really enjoyed my lunch!

I headed off to work around 5 and made a detour through the drugstore. I needed a few things for myself today. I got busy at the school.

My two classes went fairly well. Afterwards, I was getting ready to do my paperwork when Fumihiko called. I told him to go home and change because I wasn't ready to leave yet!

I called him back later on and he came to get me. We went to Marumatsu because it was so late when I finished and not many places were still open. We had an okay but not great meal there. When he was paying, the waitress asked him about the points on my card and he decided to cash them in. I was quite ticked off as I had been saving them and I didn't want him cashing them in. So now, I have a stupid 500 yen coupon that I have to keep track of. When they first brought the point card out they were giving good prizes away at higher point levels, which is the reason that I didn't want to have a 500 yen coupon. ARGH. Men are so annoying at times.

After a quick dance around the grocery store, we came home. Fumihiko put on some horrible Japanese show again. It really bugs me because I had the feeling that he might actually want to spend some time with ME rather than craptv.

So that's it. I'm done. Feeling quite ticked at the moment. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day, although I highly doubt it.



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