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October 18, 2008 - Saturday

Sunny and warmish.


Today was surprisingly good. I'm not sure why really, it just was. I got up around 7 for a trip to the loo and discovered my husband fully dressed on the couch. He hadn't been to bed. He said he'd slept a bit on the couch last night and had already been to the doctor's office to put his card in. I went back to bed!

I got up just after he left for the doctor, checked my email and then when Fumihiko came back, I went back to bed. Fumihiko followed me, and this time he got some sleep too. We slept for quite a while.

In the afternoon we went out for brunch and had a nice meal at Jiro. After that, Fumihiko dropped me off at our apartment, then took his mother out to get her glasses fixed. He was gone a while so I used that time to do a lot of my computer stuff.

In the evening we went to the mall. We had to pick up some paper for my accounting book, then my clothes that had been altered. I also got some whole wheat bread while we were there. Yay for me. We drove to the other end of the mall to park nearer the theater. Dinner tonight was care of one of the restaurants in the mall. It was okay. I was reasonably happy with my burger, Fumihiko less so with his Japanese food. I was surprised to see one of my students in the restaurant too, so said hello.

We went to see Eagle Eye, which was a little bit preposterous and a little bit like Big Brother. I thought it was fun. It didn't pretend to be a deep meaningful film, so I quite enjoyed it.

After the movie we drove back to Tsuruoka and stopped at Mosburger for a great coffee milkshake and a cold burger. I'm not sure what happened there. Both of our burgers were less than hot. I think they pre-cook everything and then reheat it, except in our case, they didn't really reheat it. Sigh.

We came home and watched a bit of TV. Fumihiko watched his stuff until it was time for Heroes, so I asked if we could watch it. It was fun, except the evil Sylar has Peter Petrelli and Mohinder in a bind. OH NO!

That's it for me. I don't really have any plans for tomorrow, not sure what we'll do. I'll talk to you tomorrow night and let you know what happened! Night.


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