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October 18, 2007 - Thursday

Sunny and cool.


A nice day. I got up quite late sadly, but had a productive day nonetheless. I vacuumed, and put the covers on the quilts, then put the quilts on the bed. I noticed last night that Fumihiko had gotten up and grabbed a quilt in the night. I've been feeling a little chilly at night too, so decided to put out the quilts. I also did a spot of tidying up. Not much, but a little.

I watched an episode of Dexter on my computer. I had tried to watch it a few times before, but the version I had wouldn't work. I tried another one. It worked, but it had Swedish subtitles! Still, I'm used to watching things with Japanese subtitles, so it wasn't that bad. After that, I watched another episode of Numb3rs, so I can tell my friend. She loves the show.

I went over to the school via a drugstore for a few supplies for the school. I got to the school in lots of time and looked at my lesson for today. I checked it over and made up a short quiz for my student. I'm so mean!

My class was fine today. Actually, I thought it was rather good. We did a lot of grammar and she did very well. Yay. After class, when I was getting ready for the next day's classes I got a phone call from the mother of my Saturday students. They can't come on Saturday. That means that I don't have any classes on Saturday. Sigh. I guess I should try to be happy for the vacation, but I'm not really. Next Saturday would have been great to have a vacation for, this one is not so great.

Fumihiko picked me up and we visited the grocery store quickly. When we came home, I started dinner. It wasn't a complicated meal tonight. We had coro-coro steak, salad and shu-mei. The latter two things were bought, not made by me. I served the steak with some dipping sauces. It's a nice way to have it.

Fumihiko did the dishes and then I spent a very quiet evening by myself. Fumihiko fell asleep on the bed, and I had to try three times to wake him up enough to take a bath. I watched Extras at midnight, but tonight wasn't that good, then at 1:00 I watched The 40-Year Old Virgin. It was funny, even the second time around.

That's it. It's now very very late, and I really need to get some sleep. Wish me luck. Night night!


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