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-- October/November 2003 ((13 pix)) --

She wanted this picture soooo bad, so i gave it to her. Cavina and me, sometime in October. Seeeee, i may LOOK mean and anti-social, but inside im just a big fluffy pink teddy bear. First picture after the DRAMATIC makeover. Mohawk, spikes, lip ring... the evil unleashed! My afro-american brotha, Derek.
Purdee Jasmine Gaaaaaaaaaah! Thinkin New Lip Ring, aint it fancy?
The magnificent Shani and yours truly Tony and some l00ser... Sheryl, Shani, and Lol... oooooh yeah!
I think the picture speaks for itself ::mwahahaha!::

-- May/June 2003 ((13 pix)) --
-- September 2002 2002 ((4 pix)) --
-- July 2002 ((7 pix)) --
-- February 2002 ((6 pix)) --
-- December 2001 ((6 pix)) --
-- Miscellaneous ((28 pix)) --