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A Return to Forever

Chapter Eleven

The sky in the east had the slightest hint of a lighter shade of dark. The night was melting away. Vachon sat further back in the cover of the surrounding forest, embracing the memories of four and a half centuries, sorting through them as if they were precious pages in a scrap book. He held each moment briefly, tasting, smelling, hearing and seeing, in his mind's eye. He gazed up at the horizon, sensing the coming dawn, and was suddenly drawn to that moment when he watched, mesmerized, as Maya walked into the light and rose up to meet the emerging sun. And for the first time since that night, he wondered what it had felt like.

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In some deep recess of himself, he had gone through the metamorphosis with her, but the very nature of his being had always recoiled from the idea until this moment. His being was instilled with the desire to reach out to that death, and it took Vachon a few minutes to realize that it was not himself that wished this but Urs, his vampire daughter! She was somewhere, at this same moment, outside, standing on the precipice between life and death, undecided whether to give in and finally end what Vachon had unwittingly given her.

His flight was swift, and almost frantic. Where was she!?! It was some place high above the ground, open and exposed! The image shifted and he saw the stone facade and understood where she as standing. His home, the church, came into sight, and her silhouette stood out in the now pale light infusing the sky.

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by Javier Vachon. Coded in HTML laboriously by Elena du Charme.
Edited 12/2/2002