Friday, May 31, 2002


today i have consumed nothing but jelly beans and mountain dew. it has been a sad day for dental care.

today has been one of high glucose intake. perhaps a little too much. on the whole tho i would like to declare, sugar good, vegtables bad.

ooo shit i just found my jury duty notice... i must do something about that.....

mummy put my winter doonah on this evening, i am very well pleased.

i also did watch aliens, which i found most agreeable, some nice girl power moments, and the pivitol line "they mostly come at night, mostly"

i attended sophies fantabulous art documentary showing, was v interesting. a documenty of the woomera free the refugees thing (admittantly im not up on current events, but yes, this is somewhat of a well duh kinda link. this whole issue is rather convouluted and i tend to stray away from such things these days). it was very interesting, thought it captured the confusion of the moments and the issue quite well. although im not sure if that was the point, thats how i perceived it.

IN THE MEANTIME am to attend a cancer relay thing tomorrow. this basically entails me and my nerdy but lovely friends camping out at uni. apparently we're having a pajama theme - i dont think i spelt that right, lets make it easy on me - a PJ theme. with a teddy bear baton. should be a laugh. indeed there will be some avid picture taking and if i get round to it, internet posting of such. oo and theres also a FREE breakfast. oh yay.

just think, im being charitable..... what a strange concept.

father has given me chocolate and camping goods, and both my parents have pledged me some money as the event will look good on my resume. i think my familys morals are somewhat askew at times.

we're supposed to have a team fundraiser goal of $1000, so far we stand at $120. i think we still have someway to go on this one.

so yes, if i dont post tomorrow (which i probably will as i am addicted) its cos of this relay thing.

alas, i am out of word (which is surprising, and kinda scary). so i bid thee farewell. GO AND HAVE A BUBBLE BATH.


WOOHOO! i can post again ! but computer still broken.....

oh dear, life is so cruel. my computer hath died just before exams. it wont boot - i blame the bios.

man, if i have top buy a new motherboard, im gunna be tres pissed off. ill have to dip into my vietnam fund (sorry ian). although thats looking sketchy due to someones MUSIC CAMP. tsk tsk tsk. :)

oh dear. well my father has loaned me his laptop. which he uses for work.

this means that i have the software capabilities to print out perscriptions. which could be dangerous in the wrong hands. thankfully im a good girl i am. well now anyways. besides its not like we havent got my brothers dexies in the cupboard anyways. he has bizzare somewhat autistic problems. i cannot explain it. father nearly took one instead of a vitamin the other day. it would have been amusingly six feet under i dare say.

tonight i go to an art studio type place, to view the wonderful woomera documentary done by the fabulous sophie. i will make her a card. which i shall post at a later date, as it is one of my cooler colourins i did at work last night.


as this blog was remarkaably uninteresting. i shall now go and eat jelly beans.


Thursday, May 30, 2002




its all very very upsetting.

i was planning a nice breakdown of brisbane radio stations this evening but im too upset and my dog is chewing up a plastic cup.

whats with that ?

so no fabulous colour ins this evening (of which there were many) and im afraid that i shall just have to leave distressing notes in my chatterbox.

i bet this friggin msg DOESNT EVEN POST



Wednesday, May 29, 2002


waiting for your hair to dry is soooo tedious

im totally buggered (odd for me as its only nine pm) have evil work day tomorrow and MY FRIGGIN HAIR WILL NOT DRY!

what not use a hair dryer ? ANYONE who has ever had curly hair will tell you why. 80s fuzz ball, tho fun, is just not fashionable anymore.

and to make matters worse, my nail polish is being very disagreeable. it will not come off easily.

i dont understand it - if they can make jet set nail polish, cant the remover be improved (although the fact that im using the cheapest possible nail polish reomver may have something to do with it) WOOHOO IVE FINISHED ONE HAND!

im being such a girly girl tonight.

im a little daunted by the sudden realisation that i have a 2000 word essay due soon for a subject, that for all intense purposes, i dont do. so if ANYONE knows anything about classical sociology (in particular weber, marx and durkheim) you're my new best friend.

i know i should have gone to the lectures, and perhaps the tutes. but it was from 4-7. as if. im a student for gods sake, i dont spend my valuable afternoon veg time at UNI.

watched harry potter for the first time last night (my father has sacrificed his soul and brought the dvd) and frankly, i would like to say that he is far to well adjusted for a boy that was locked in a cupboard for a number of years.


oh my god. i just figured out my commenting problem

whenever i go to change my template. all my links disappear and the commenting code gets nulled - or sumthin..... so i just have to do a LOT of cutting and pasting......

i dont think ill touch the template for awhile now.


Tuesday, May 28, 2002


purple pig power !


wwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee im all excited and wowed as ..... I GOT MY DIGITAL CAMERA IN THE MAIL TODAY!!!! woo woo !

i picked it up from the post office and was so excited that i took my first photo in the car, then i rushed home to take another one.

then upon finding a spare flash card (how wrong is it that such things float about our house like that ?) i loaded some mp3s and had a gay ol time - literally. i loaded kylie. :p

all in all, good day, some nice poster work and a new gadget to play with. what more can a girl ask for in life ?

although i do have the problem of not being able to take a photo of the camera so you can all admire its glory. sigh. i suppose nothing is perfect.....

well, if anyones actually made it this far past my hideous bragging,

BY POPULAR DEMMAND! ie 1/4 of my readers has expressed interest (JUST THINK! THERES FOUR OF YOU NOW! - perfect number for group therapy) - i have a large, kinda desktop sized version of the wonderfully wonderful car driving purple pig can you believe i get paid for colouring in ?