Useful Downloads
Acid Fonts - Thousands, yes THOUSANDS, of font styles ready for download. I guarantee you will find whatever font you're looking for, plus 5 or 6 cool ones, each time you go to this site. If you can't find something, you're just not looking hard enough. - Freeware, shareware, and trial versions of just about every game and utility you can imagine. A great first stop when looking for an application, even before the Almighty Google. And it's even legal! No, seriously! - A nice site featuring some cool (and free) photoshop stuff. Frames, plugins, brushes, patterns, anything you could think of. And if you want, you can shell out money for the commercial stuff too. - Ever regret getting the newest version of something? Well, you're in luck! At, you can redownload over 450 versions of dozens of software programs. Get all the ol' skool freeware you need. - Thousands of sound effects in multiple formats for free download. This site has just about everything from a nuclear blast warning to a Tibetan rainforest waterfall. Try it for obscure sounds for movies, games, etc. - One of the premier downloading sites. If you can ignore the ads, this site has thousands of free, secure downloads for your computing pleasure. Easy to search their database, too. Just about up there with - It's so hard to keep up with technology these days, so why not let a website do it for you? VersionTracker helps you stay on the edge by reminding you when a new version of a popular program is released. How handy.