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**IMPORTANT** Scroll to the bottom for the most recent updates. The ones at the top are the oldest!

I am never going to work on my site on a virus-ridden school computer ever again. On May, 15, 2003...tragedy struck. My updates page was deleted. Over 5 months of work...THIS COMPUTER IS EVIL!
I HATE these school computers. For some reason, my computer felt that it would be entertaining to delete my entire updates page instead of updating it. Over 5 months of updates are now just a memory. I HATE my school computer. I will never work on my site at school again. I will destroy this computer and laugh maniacly...that is my newest goal. It will be fufilled some-day. I HATE my computer...all who conspired to make it will suffer my wrath. Why did it have to mess around with my updates thing. That is the one page I absolutly cannot reproduce...besides the last half of the longest text ever. I HATE this computer...

*giggling wildly* " HA-HA-HA-HA I HATE IRONY. I wrote this eulogy for my deceased web page. It got deleted. And then, through sheer luck, Angelfire let me recover my eulogy...


May 16, 2003 Okay. I feel better now. I worked out my frustration yesterday be creating a new quiz. Which Jenny obsessed animal are you. I bet you are trembling with anticitpation on taking it. I was gonna add to the longest text ever to vent my frustration, but ended up going to bed a little early. So. The longest text ever hasn't been added to in quite some time. I'd tell you exactly how long, but my FREAKIN' updates page is no longer among the un-deleted.

May 17, 2003 I love The Matrix reloaded. And, it was, the topic of today's rant in the longest text ever. That's about all I did today, besides fix a few bugs in my qui

August 31, 2003 Made Monty Python Quiz

September 3, 2003 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! NOT FAIR! Angelfire just randomly deleted THREE AND A HALF MONTHS OF UPDATES! WHY MUST THIS BE? *sniffles pathetically* It's just not fair! I guess it was a bit too...long...or something. Anyway, I found a quiz that I love equal to, or more than life itself! The person rambels about squirelss and "heart stars and horseshoes, clovers and blue moons!"

How Depressed are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I've pretty much accepted the fact that my updates page lasts a few months and then dies. It's inevitable.

September 4, 2003 WOOOOO! Even though I'm barely advertising, my bandwith got exceeded twice this month, already! Isn't that cool? Both times were when I was at school/work and without computer access, so people were coming here sort of on their own! Ain't it cool? Isn't it? Come on, you know it is! Anyway, I didn't work much on the site today, but I did have a whole bunch new FAKE TAB REGISTRATION FORMS and Serial Killer Quiz results to put on the site. Enjoy.

September 6, 2003 I ranted and raved in the Longest Text Ever about...smoke detectors, of all things. I finnaly have money, so it's only a matter of time before I get my domain name. I also have some nifty new ideas for a quiz, especially since I took a few quizes that were in a new format. They had pictures with the questions, and I liked that. I don't have a scanner, (I have a digital camera) and I sort of suck at drawing with my paint program...but I'll figure something out. *sigh* Whew! That took all day! But I'm done! This is the very first quiz in which I drew every single pic! Aren't you proud of me? WOOOOOOOOOOOO! I JUST BOUGHT MY DOMAIN! IT'LL BE READY IN A FEW DAYS!

September 7, 2003 Just thougth that I'd let you know that that tv show for cats on Oxygen will feature "kitty yoga". I say that's cruelty to animals. Weird News is fun:) Cool...over 600 people have taken my newest quiz so far. According to site meter, if my traffic continues this way (which it won't) I'll have 110,160 visits next months, (that's 408,960 visits) I hope that doesn't happen, 'cause think about how much bandwith that would use:) Plus, (I have to say it) The flaw quiz is the coolest quiz I've made so far, so of COURSE lots of people are gonna take it initially. Whew! I made ANOTHER QUIZ! That's TWO in just TWO days! It's got original pics, just like the other one. Rather than finding your flaws, it finds what's good about you. It seems to be fairly popular, as well.

September 09, 2003 Okay. Due to excessive bandwith consumption, this site has been "temporarily suspended" off and on for the past 24 hours. I'm writing this with absolutly no idea how it will look, or if anyone will even see it for days. The site will go on a temporary hiatus untill Angelfire can process all the trafic I got on the seventh.'s after 9:30p.m. and the site is apparantly back up. I finnaly got to check out my new domain name It takes forever to load, and my random quotes and stuff won't work, but at least it's something easy for everyone to remember. It still links to the quizes, and the Longest Text Ever, and everything. You just have to deal with the fact that it sucks, even though it was expensive. I wrote an extensive new Longest Text Ever, and proposed we start the Official Flaming-Chickens Lunar Colony. Neat, huh? Yea! *does happy wiggle dance* MY SITE ACTUALLY IS FOUND ON THE GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE! Some random person typed in "weird quizes" and was brought to my site! That's is so COOL!

September 10, 2003 I'm resuming advertising on Quizzila...but not quit so much. I took away that annoying little alert, by popular demand. I decided not to make it pop up just the once, and put a marquee instead. The amount of script it would take to do that would put my bandwith through the roof, and I don't want to go through THAT again.

September 11, 2003 Let's pause for a moment to remember the events of two years ago...Okay. That was fun. Today I successfully obtained the script to make a Graph for the Serial Killer Quiz. Click here to see the current results Right now, 17% of my readers are Serial Killers. Freaky. Anyway, that's probably gonna be it for today. I've written a new (mini) quiz, but I won't be able to make it 'till the weekend. Seeya.

September 12, 2003 Cool. Type in "Longest Web Page Ever" in the Google search engine and you come up with two sites, and one of them is mine. My Longest Text Ever is also a larger file than the other one, which I think may have been naughty. Don't go to it. The LTE also shows up when you type "Intelectual standard in listening critically" I know this because I can keep track of where you Random People are coming from. So, if you put links to my quizes in your journals, and people use them, I'll check out your journals and we'll all win! Also "Parakeet autoplay "> This is just getting weirder and weirder.

September 13, 2003 I just finished the new quiz, Is your name Bob or Bill? It's stupid, and short and lame, but it's fully illustrated and it does sound impressive that I now have 19 original quizzes. I also added a link to the Official Flaming Chickens Backgrounds...which has been around for awhile, but was a quasi-Easter Egg. I've decided to make it more known, and put the link on the first page, rather than the previous, really obscure page.

September 14, 2003 Well, since my site was down most of today, I decided working on the Official Flaming Chickens Backgrounds. There's some new nifty ones, including a very creepy looking guy/thing. The picture used to be of my sister, but I altered it a wee-bit. I'll move the backgrounds link to the top of the main page, and add a link to it from the banners page. I'm trying to harp on those two things 'cause I already have plenty of quizes (don't panic, I'm still makin' more). Anyway, click Here to see the backgrounds. You just mouse over the links to see samples.

September 17, 2003 Whew! Finally! The First Edition of the OFCEM has Officially been sent out. If you missed it, you'll just have to wait for next months edition. I'd appreciate it if all you random people would submit articles, and ideas for the magazine, since it'd be a big help. I've got a sorta idea for a new quiz, and I'm working on the pics now. It might be ready by the weekend.:)

September 18, 2003 My dad visited this site...weird. I wrote a little (very little) in the LTE...about the occasion. Strange. *wanders off muttering to self*

September 19, 2003 *sigh* My FAQ page mysteriously vanished. Maybe this is just Angelfire's way of threating me 'till I pay for a upgraded account. I don't wants to. I don't gots a credit card. I's so sad about my FAQ page. Argggg! Mateys! This be Talk Like a Pirate DAy! Avast, ye lubbers! In honor of this event, we be holding a contest in our guild, to see which of ye scurvy curs is the most pirate like! Also, avast ye pirate picture!

September 21, 2003 *sighs* I got virtually no work done on the site this weekend, due to interference from the more or less "real" world. I had lots of homework, and social stuff to do (yes, I DO have a life, scary as that sounds). I'm making yet another mini-quiz, What kind of Cheese are you. It might get done tonight, but I doubt it.

September 23, 2003 Yea! I just looked through Webmonkey's DHTML tutorial and successfully created my first DHTML drop down menu! (It's on the Quizzes Page). Quizzilla is down (is that spelled right?) so I'm goin' easy on the quizzes for know. I'm trying to figure out how to do some stuff, but it's not working. At least I'm increasing my programming knowledge. Hey, as pathetic as I am, I'm pretty darn good for someone who is almost entirely self-taught. I don't understand most of the stuff I do, but as long as it works, I'm happy.

September 25, 2003 Alright. I've post-poned makin' new quizzes, but that doesn't mean I can't work on Quiz pics. I had "Meg" draw some people (I can't do that very good) and I gave them wings and colored them. Here's the one's she's drawn: (click pic for bigger pic)

And here's the one's I've drawn:

Spiffy, huh?

September 27, 2003Uh...yeah. It's once again the weekend. I finally finished the new quiz, What kind of cheese are you (nothing to do with the spiffy angel pics). There isn't all the pics yet, though...but you can Click here to take it anyway. Er...yeah. I just discovered it rox. I added lots of "real" music to various pages. Including a messed up version of the Evanescence song, Bring Me to Life. It's on the credits page:) You can also hear a bunch of other songs here

September 28, 2003 I can't finish the Cheez Quiz 'cause search engines won't work on my computer at the moment and I don't feel like attempting to draw pics of cheese. I'll start work on the other quiz...with the angels. Wooo! I fixed my computer, (my dad didn't even know how:)...) so I finished the Cheez Quiz and posted the appropriate links in the appropriate places. Oh, and there's a new LTE entry...about "purified" water.

September 29, 2003 Just thought I'd let everyone know about the new quiz I've thought of. I'm not gonna start it yet, but it's What is your phobia? or something like that. Seeya later.

September 30, 2003 Whew! I just spent an hour and a half working on the phobia quiz. It's a monster! Thirty questions, over 18 different results. It's big. Of course, most of the questions are simple True/False. I'm lazy...wait a second. How can I call myslef lazy if I did all that work? AhHHHHHH my heads is gonna explode!

October 02, 2003 For all of you crazy people who want to know just how messed up you are, I added a huge List o' Phobias! (batteries not included). Quizzila is back up, so my traffic is picking back up rather nicely. The phobia quiz won't be ready for a while, but in the meantime, amuse yourself with the List.

October 05, 2003 Don't forget that tommorow is Mad Hatter Day! I've worked all weekend on the new quiz and it STILL isn't finished (it's HUGE)...It's almost done, I still have a few more pics to create. It should be done sometime this week. The site was down all of today because...well, you know....way too much traffic and stuff...

October 09, 2003 Yea! The site is finally back up (after 3 days of temporary suspension)! I should be done with the Phobia quiz soon. I'll advertise it tommorow. I wonder if anyone bothers to come here. They probably pretty much expect it to be down. I sure was suprised when it wasn't. Anyway, seeya...

October 15, 2003 ER...yeah...the site was obviously back down for a while. I finished the Phobia quiz and Advertised it and got way more hits than my measly little bandwidth could handle. There's a new LTE entry, mostly about confusion. That's it, for now.

October 16, 2003 I created an Egyptian Alphabet's nowhere near as cool as I wanted it to be. I worked on it an hour than gave up and just made it as simple as possible. I wanted it to be able to actually spell out words, but that's too advanced for me at the moment. I was close, but I'm just to lazy.

October 20, 2003 Er...I've started work on the Cartoon Character Role Model Quiz. It may take awhile. I've noticed that although I HAVE been tweakin' this site, I haven't been doin' much updates. Bad me. I also haven't been putting up new FAKE TAB REGISTRATION FORMS 'cause hardly anyone goes there...and I'm naturally incredibly lazy. I'm gonna go write in the LTE.

October 25, 2003 Grrr...I was wounded at the tab meeting...see? The one on the left is a happy face I drew on it, the one on the right is the blood from a cut on my finger. The cut reopened this morning. This impairs my ability to type. It sucks. I'll try to work on the Cartoon Quiz...but it isn't exactly easy typing with nine fingers. Oh, and I PROMISE to eventually put up all the new SAMPLE FAKE TAB REGISTRATION FORMS. All the one's I've recieved recently are really, really good, and I just can't justify deleting them to myself. *shakes head* I've created a monster. And, you know...the first 30 SAMPLE FAKE TAB REGISTRATION FORMS still haven't been put up.

October 28, 2003Happy Halloween in advance, just in case I forget later. I'll be busy all week with "Library of Terror", the haunted house I work at:) new video games. I'm spending less time online. I know, I wish to take the Cartoon Character Quiz. Well...too bad...I have a life, you know. However pathetic it may be. I've been ignoring all the "mail" from my various forms...that means no psycho updates, FAKE TAB REGISTRATION updates, or subscriptions to the OFCEM 'till I gather my courage and tackle them. THEY JUST WON'T STOP COMING! I need to take a break...or something...

November 04, 2003 Heh-Heh...I dealt with all those angelfire form mails...I'm done with the coding of the new quiz, all that's left now is to design the evil results pics and stuff. I drew a new pic for the drawing section, it's a spiffy winged cat, with (badly done) transparent wings. As it's still the weekdays, don't expect anything major to change for awhile:)

November 07, 2003 Woooo! I's finished the Cartoon Character Role Model Quiz! I only had to work two and a half hours on it today, too! That's 'cause all I had to do was create the results pages and piece together the result pics! :) I's done. How many quizzes is that now? Let's's...22! Aren't I special? WOOOOOW! *does happy dance* I finally understand the concept of image mapping! (I'd used it in the past without quite getting it) Do you know what that means? I's makin' an Official Flaming Chickens Lunar Colony Page! It's nowhere near done, but you can check it out Here!

November 23, 2003 ACK! I forgot to update this page. I finnally got around to creating an Asparagus Warfar guild with my fellow battlers.
What a wonderful guild!
Other than that, I wrote a "narrative" account of the first Asparagas Battle, you can see it Here. Seeya!

November 25, 2003 Wooooo! Check out TSBBTWEDS It's The Sorta Big Button That Will Eventually do Something! It's the cousin of the Really Really Big Button That Doesn't Do Anything! The Button is cool! I promise you! I DARE ya' to get it to do something!

December 04, 2003 New Quiz! Are you violent, or just creative with weapons! Gah! It's really just a semi-shameless plug for the Asparagus Warfare Guild (very creative with weapons) but it is a real quiz. :)

December 24, 2003 Gah! I don't like updating here as much as on the marquee on the main page. (It's not safe, this stupid page has been deleted many, many times). Well...I have a new (faster) computer. That's a good thing. The computer has no imaging program. That's a bad thing. So, until I can get my old program transfered to this computer, I won't be able to work anymore on the new quiz. The quiz is done (except for the pics). You can take it...I guess...even though the pics in the quiz are wrong and there's not any final pics...if you find the quiz. (Hint: mysticalquiz.html) I don't recomened taking it, I'm only suggesting it to see how desperate you people are.

January 11, 2003 *yawn* Need...sleep. I made a 'Memegen''s sorta like a quiz, only much more random. Take it...find out your future as the Lord of All Humans!!!!

March 2nd, 2003 GAH! SO FRUSTRATED! (No, my updates didn't get deleted again). I just want to figure out how to use DHTML and JavaScript to simulate a DOS screen, is that too much to ask? *sigh* I'm fumbling 'round in the dark here, trying to piece together little bits of information that I've found randomly over the Internet. It's like the scavenger hunt from heck! *sigh* I wish I had someone to TEACH me this stuff. The DOS sim was sooooo cool, too...