• Spring 2010
    Vol. 18 No. 1

    In this issue...

    Reflections from the President

    Board Member News

    News from Washington

    Intrepid Pond

    Update: Nature Area Gibraltar Bay Unit of the Detroit River Refuge

    Hennepin Marsh Clean-up

    Boy Scout Project

    2010 GI Conservationist of the Year Award

    Special Projects

    Annual Meeting

    Earth Day

    Honors & Recognitions

    Stewardship Corner

    Memorials & Honorariums

    Deer Resistant Plants

    Did you know?

    Upcoming Events...

    April 24
    Earth Day

    1PM to 4PM
    Centennial Farm

    May 15
    Dump the Junk Clean Up
    Meet 9AM to Noon
    Centennial Farm
    Contact Pat Selby

    November 6
    Annual Meeting
    10AM to 11:30AM
    Centennial Farm


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    2010 Earth Day Celebration - April 24

    Plans are underway for our annual Earth Day Celebration at Centennial Farm. In order to accommodate the island's soccer players, this year's event will be held on a Saturday, namely April 24th.

    We will again feature:

    • The Nature & Wildlife Photo Contest for middle and high school students. Be sure to stop by to see the winning photos and place your vote for the People's Choice Award.

    • Nature games

    • Toy Exchange, organized by our local girl scouts. This Bring One-Take One exchange is in line with the Earth Day Reduce, Reuse & Recycle theme.

    • Nature trail walk, weather permitting.