Spring 2010
Vol. 18 No. 1

In this issue...

Reflections from the President

Board Member News

News from Washington

Intrepid Pond

Update: Nature Area Gibraltar Bay Unit of the Detroit River Refuge

Hennepin Marsh Clean-up

Boy Scout Project

2010 GI Conservationist of the Year Award

Special Projects

Annual Meeting

Earth Day

Honors & Recognitions

Stewardship Corner

Memorials & Honorariums

Deer Resistant Plants

Did you know?

Upcoming Events...

April 24
Earth Day

1PM to 4PM
Centennial Farm

May 15
Dump the Junk Clean Up
Meet 9AM to Noon
Centennial Farm
Contact Pat Selby

November 6
Annual Meeting
10AM to 11:30AM
Centennial Farm


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Reflections from the President
by Liz Hugel


As I write the nights are still pretty cool, but the days have gotten so long that I know spring will really have arrived by the time this newsletter reaches your mailbox. There's so much to tell you about, going back to the annual meeting in November. For those of you who missed the meeting and didn't see the photos and descriptions in Facebook, you'll have a run­down here. A good part of this edition will be about the people leading and assisting the Conservancy, so I hope you enjoy learning more about them. First, as president for another year, I am delighted to report that all the officers from 2009 agreed to continue with their duties in 2010. With officers who are experienced and committed it'll be a good year!

Pat Selby, who is busy enough building up her new law practice will continue as Vice President, a position that's ideal for her since she's a great source of advice and can look at both sides of every issue. On top of that responsibility she will also lead the Stewardship Committee and represent the Conservancy to the Open Space Committee.

Ken Tilp will carry on as Treasurer. He's been doing a great job managing our accounts and keeping our books in order. With several years of experience under his belt now, along with a conscientious and cost-saving attitude, he has now taken on the accounting responsibilities in order to reduce our professional fees, previously a significant chunk of our annual budget.

The full board is happy to have Victoria Murphy continue as Secretary. She's thorough and good at pushing the rest of us to get to the point, so we're grateful to have her keep us on our toes ... and with her in action on her laptop our minutes have never been available so quickly.

We lost several members this past year. We were especially saddened to have lost one of our major benefactors, Rosie Meyer. She was a strong sup­porter of the Conservancy and served on the board of directors for many years. In addition to the programs her financial contributions made possible, she will be remembered for always having positive and encouraging words of praise for us. Along with the rest of the community, we miss her greatly.