Almost all anime... sorry! I dabble in Harry Potter occassionally, but then I trash them. All lists ("You know..." All I know..." etc.) are at the bottom of the page. If you want me to finish one of the half-done fics, just e-mail me, I may have it done already and that'll remind me to put it up ^^

Each Link Entry looks something like this:
"Title of Fic" (series name) Category(s) - Rating

The category codes guide:
Y = Yaoi/Slash
R = Romance
S = Sappy romance
C = Comedy
A = Angst
L = List
U = Unfinished
M = Songfic
O = Original Characters

"Better" (Gundam Wing) Y R C M - PG
Relena and Duo vie for Heero's day

"Innocent till Proven Guilty" (Weiss Kreuz) Y C U - G (so far)
Schu-chan and Crawford as kids... lots of German words, don't worry if the meaning escapes you.

"Nyoko Tarou" (Ranma) O R U - G
Pantyhose has a kid...

"Ode to Gundam" (Gundam Wing) C - G
Really bad poem... but has it's moments ^^

"Priceless Ads" (Gundam Wing, Slayers & Kenshin) C - G
Spoof Mastercard (?) Ads

"Lines you won't hear in Gundam Wing" (Gundam Wing) C - G

"Actually, It'll be Us" (Various) C - PG
Based on the music video "It's Gonna be Me"... 'N Sync in an Anime store ~.^

"A is for Anime" (Various; general) C L - G
An alphabet for otaku!

"Trivial" (Pokemon, Escaflowne) C - G
A certain quiz show ~.^ Based on the SNL skit

"Power Weiss Rangers" (Weiss Kreuz) C - G

"You Call This a Mission?" | Prequel (Weiss Kreuz) C - PG13
o_0 <--Best describes it. Just read the fic

"Tsubasa" Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 (Weiss Kreuz) A Y S U- PG13
Aya x Nagi Very sappy... cool Yohji and Ken assasiniation in the middle of it ^^

"Pokemon VENGENCE" (Pokemon)O R U- PG
Girl on a quest to recover a stolen Pokemon

"Pick your Poison" (Weiss Kreuz) C - PG13
Yohji wrote a "Choose your own Adventure Book" ^^ 'Nuff said.

All I know in life, I learned from Anime

You know you've been reading too much Harry Potter when....
The second list...

You know you've been watching/playing too much Pokemon when...

