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If you're having trouble finding subjects, head on out to the farm with plenty of film. At this point I still had not purchased any lenses and used the sun's natural warm glow as a filter. In the film business that glowing hour is called magic light.

Copyright Wade Enloe 1999

If you ever meet an Emu, imagine being pecked by a giant chicken. They are very aggressive and hard to shoot. Again I used a wide f setting of f4. The Emu's nose is slightly out of focus while the eye is perfect. Again, these wide settings are great for wiping out background but it's counterproductive on occasions. Use your judgment. This wide setting will allow you to use a faster speed so you can leave your tripod in the car and move more freely. This Emu by the way now owns a pair of my sunglasses.

Copyright Wade Enloe 1999

The magic light really came through for this shot. Using a warm filter can create the same effect. Generally, in broad daylight, I always use a warm filter. I didn't notice until I got this photo back that this chicken had a bad eye. Again the f4 setting cleaned up the background.

Copyright Wade Enloe 1999

No farm trip is complete without a rooster shot. I wanted to coax this bird onto a fencepost but this independent old bird would have none of that. He probably gained some confidence watching that Emu whip up on me.

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