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Copyright Wade Enloe 1999

While we're on the subject of filter color and interaction, guess what color you get with a yellow filter on a blue sky. Be careful.

Copyright Wade Enloe 1999

Here is another example of the limits nature will set for you. This tree was in a valley and although I had hoped everything would somehow workout, it was not to be. Silhouette subjects must be higher than the background.

Copyright Wade Enloe 1999

I've decided to go ahead and get my bad shots out of the way. Although an f32 setting such as this one will give you a very deep focus field, it's not infinite. I was so caught up in setting the sun's focus that I set the subject out of focus. Needless to say, you should focus on your subject.

Copyright Wade Enloe 1999

Here again my subject was lower than the background washing out most of my subject.

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