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Clearly, your most productive people shots are kids and pets. The traditional "say cheese" posture has rendered billions of photos contrived and unnatural. Kids are the most natural subjects in the human department while pets are in fact nature. Neither have bad hair days, credit cards or neighborhood standards to meet. All you need to do is follow them around and opportunity will present itself. Adults are a bit tricky to catch with their guard down and sometimes hostile after being photographed. I've never been bitten by a dog after taking his picture.


Copyright Wade Enloe 1999


This was taken at a picnic. By using 100-speed film in the shade, my exposure time was simply too short for the conditions. 200-speed film is a wiser choice if overcast or shade is on the agenda for the day. I try to use 100 as much as possible to increase my photo quality even if a tripod is reasonably required for the shots.


Copyright Wade Enloe 1999


This is my buddy. He's as curious as they get and an awesome subject. I used a yellow filter on this shot. I liked the shot without the filter better but someone didn't have the focus set correctly. A sepia filter would be nice in this situation. For the rest of the shots I used a blue filter. The blue filter "cooled" the photos dramatically. A blue filter is best used indoors to counteract incandescent lighting. That is shooting indoors without a flash. A tripod is absolutely necessary if you use 100-speed film indoors. Using a higher speed film will release you of the tripod burden, however; the graininess may make your photo useless. Quartz lighting is also a terrible light source.


Copyright Wade Enloe 1999


And finally, this cowdog is a beautiful animal. Notice how she projects her true sweet personality.

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