jarr logo - stolen from jarrmusic.com

Rumors and half truths

His name is Torry, he's very cool and rocks very hard.

It looks like this one is true but you can still hear him on bigFat scratch WE LOVE YOU TOM

Close Jarr with 2 r's. I love the idea of them being back to Jarr, I could never get used to calling them Flybanger. It's just b/c all the great shit happened for them when they were Jar and shit started happening when they became flybanger

Stevebanger say's : Things are coming together for Flybanger so hopefully you will see the Bangers in April if all goes well.Like I said in previous posts in the official Flybanger club that Flybanger is not dead and the boys are looking forward to getting back on the road and kickin some serious ass.

If you've heard any rumors please feel free to Email them to me here

jarr logo - stolen from jarrmusic.com

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