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Any good subject, my camera would not miss it! Any Photogenic face, my camera would not feel shy! Any worthy landscape, my camera would not skip it! Any good silhouette, my camera would not spoil it! Yes, though a rich man's hobby, I love photography.  Most of all, I derive a unique satisfaction when I view my paintings through the viewfinder of my Camera. I am using OLYMPUS MU ZOOM and I tell you a fact, its a piece made JUST for me.        

The beautiful Sentoza
Fascinating Sentoza
Kodak on Olympus MuZoom
Another remarkable shot from OLYMPUS, a scene which I could not afford to miss, before I boarded my Ferry in the Island of SENTOZA. I used a Tripod, as the shutter speed demanded a firm hold which I feared of....
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Musical fountain at Sentoza
Musical Fountain

A shot taken at the SENTOZA PARK in Singapore using my Olympus in their unique and powerful Night mode. Same shutter technique used as above but, I proved I have a firm hand in this....

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The Five Musketeers
The Five Musketeer's

This snap has a great significance to me, not because of the creativity of the photograph, but for the fact that, I am introducing through shadows three very important people. From left to right, Baba, Shakthi, Raja (Cameraman), Jiji, Raji. This snap was shot in their land in Sigatoka, Fiji.   Soon I would publish their photographs.

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