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Its been a "DREAM COME TRUE" for me to participate in an Art Exhibition, and It all eventuated in Fiji when I was selected to exhibit few of my paintings through the Western Arts and Crafts society of Fiji.  Below are some of the photos of my participation. To see the some of my best art works Click here              

Rabuka-Former PM of Fiji
The Hero
Western Arts and Craft Society - Nadi, Fiji Islands

Being a member of the Arts and Crafts society, I had applied to exhibit 3 of my paintings in one of the Art exhibitions hosted in the Dominion International Hotel in Nadi, Fiji. All the three paintings were qualified and what you see above is "THE HERO" adorning the gallery. Very interesting moment in this exhibition was that, I was able to see and listen to the comments on "THE HERO" by the numerous art lovers who came to visit the gallery. I was so pleased to see a lot of them pausing for a considerable time in front of this painting which is also a Master piece for me. Click on my painting in the exhibition, to see the actual version.

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The School Girl
The School Girl
Western Arts and Craft Society - Nadi, Fiji Islands
This is a masterpiece for me in Water Colour and though I did this painting few years back, I had the golden opportunity to frame this painting for the exhibition. There were lots of appreciation for this painting as well. Click on the School girl to see the actual version of the painting.
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