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Also known as HENNA, this is another unique form of art which is done in the palm and feet of Females mostly during Wedding. The mixture is a unique powder derived from a plant and it has to be processed well before its ready for applying. I will very soon update this site with more details on this subject. This art is pretty complicated because you cannot twist or turn the hand as you do with your board.   I have done this form of art on few of my friends and it has turned out pretty well. Commercially this art work will have a good response from the public because of its unique result. After applying this mixture it has to dry for atleast 6 to 8 hours for better results. Very recently I have done some works on my Wife's palm which I have published below. Don't miss this page. To see the rest of my works in other mediums Click here              

Intricate Design on the Left Palm
Left Palm
Mehandi on Palm

This work took nearly 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete and the result of the above is just published below. Have a closer look at the intricate design I have attempted on my wife. The cracks you see on the denser portion is nothing but the Mehandi is in the process of drying.

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Herbal Magic after removing Mehandi
Left Palm
Mehandi on Palm
This colour you see, is the characteristic of the art of Mehandi.  Based on the quality of Mehandi, the redness would differ and there are many other techniques which could enhance the redness. But these are quite strictly owned by some traditional people.
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Intricate Design on the Right Palm
Right Palm
Mehandi on Palm
This is the right palm and it took almost the same time as the left. Salient feature in this work, is the curves which you can see in the fingers. See the result below.
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Herbal Magic after Removing Mehandi
Right Palm
Mehandi on Palm
Pretty impressive! Isn't it?
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