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The Million Dollar Signature

Wedding Snaps 

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Pretty chill was the weather, and our pulses were slightly beating the rhythm of anxiety, every minute in the clock was protesting to reach the five big hits in the pendulum, when February 9th of 2000 has just seen the dawn of the day. Those three knots which signifies the marriage in a Hindu religion was tied in the early hours on 9th.

A snap just after the wedding
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Raja Raji
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A ritual in the wedding Just landing the marriage hall

My Sister, Sumathi is applying the sandalwood paste on Raji which is a one of the ritual in our Wedding

That's me, arriving at the marriage hall on the 8th of February 2000. With me is my Mum, Sister, Uncle and Aunty.

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A great gathering
This interesting snap was taken during the wedding reception, and its a very important and memorable snap because, this photo shows all our family friends together who are more than relatives to us. And most of all they are all very close pals of my Dad.
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