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The Akallabeth Skills system is a RP aid that is created for purely RPing purposes and does not involve official coded use of skills at the moment. Think of it as a complement to all other coded systems. This is to say, whatever is not encompassed by Combat, Language and other code is treated as one of skills. This means that the skills system will not help your odds when you are using these coded systems, and will deliberately exclude skills that they involve. Make sure you check out NEWS SKILLS CODE for a more complete treatment of this issue.

From the list of skills, each player can pick 4 after joining a culture. Type +skills/list to see the full list. Some skills from this list will not be available to your race and denoted with a '-', while skills that your race excels at will be denoted with a '+'. Some categories have a 'no more than' restriction - read about the individual categories to find about them.

Once a skill is acquired, it can be advanced through 4 levels of competence, starting at Basic and ending at the supreme level of Master. Holders of higher skill ratings will enjoy greater respect in their guilds and cultures and will be able to credibly RP performing more complicatedtasks. Skill levels may be considered in TP approval by the High Command. The promotion in competence levels takes place if a player successfully performs a 'quest' - which may range from an inspired RP of cooking a meal to winning a Pan-Elvish Bardic contest to  become a Master Composer. Quest to acquire new skills will also be occasionally offered by the High Commands of the races. Naturally they will tend to concentrate in the areas that your race excels at. Both types of quests will be administered by the High Commands, with RP and Theme Halls supervising the Mastery quests.

Nine skill categories are defined as follows:
ARTISAN            ARTS                         COVERT
GATHERER       GENERAL                 LORE