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Site launch on ??/??/2001
Best viewed on 640 by 480 monitor, created on an IBM Computer
Proudly Made In The USA

This was probably used to send out to magazines. Its of the Legend of Zelda and the cart is bright yellow. It reminds me of those test carts. Anyways this was found at a Funcoland store. New info: Some people say that this cart was used to test Top Loading NES systems for the other test carts wouldn't work on it? I dunno, I know I've been told this though.

Major League Baseball. For some reason this cart has an address stamped on it.

The Mega Man 2 proto was found at a flea market in Finland by a NES collector named Nuuska for $5.

This proto of Mega Man 4 was sold on Ebay. The game didn't work when sold so I guess we will never know how complete it was. The label seems to be just a ripped piece of paper.

A Miracle Piano cart and system were both sold off Ebay for around $700. They were being sold by one of the workers who had a proto copy of them.

This cart is Motor City Patrol. The label is actually very good for a proto version of a game.

This cart is one of the many owned by Dreamtr.

This cart of Ninja Gaiden III was found in a Funcoland. It was found by Jay Tilton.

Here is another proto of Ninja Gaiden III. It has a better label than the proto above.

This proto runs on a US system yet Noahs Ark was only released in Europe! The cart has a few drawings on it.

This proto is of Phantom Fighter. There really isn't much to say about it.

Wow! This proto of Puzzle was found somewhere. It is amazing how a proto from American Video survived, Richard Frick said that most of the stuff was sent to dumpsters.

This cart is of Puzznic. There really isn't much to say about it for now.

This prototype is a really cool one. It was found by Mike Etler. Pyramid of Ra is the same game as Scarabeus. It was made by Matchbox.

Next we have Quattro Arcade 2. It contains 2 Dizzy games and a few others.