Rad Gravity. Another Activision cart. This one has a blue label instead of the white ones.
Next is Scarabeus. It was found by Mike Etler, it is the same game as Pyramid of RA. The label art is really great. It is better than a normal proto's art.
I really do not know much about the game Seicross. I do not think it was released though.
A Shockwave proto. Possibly. It was sold in some store, it might not be a proto yet it might be too.
The proto of the never released game Squashed. It is owned by Dreamtr.
The next prototype is of the game Squoon. It is a submarine game.
This cart is one of many owned by Dreamtr.
This proto is cool. Its of Super Mario Bros 2, the US version. Some of the graphics aren't completed yet.
Super Pitfall II is a great find for NES collectors. It was never released before. Super Pitfall II is pretty much complete.
Next we have a proto of Swamp Thing. It sold for about $120.
This proto is of Techmo Bowl. It was broken when sold.
Terminator 2 was found at a pawn shop. The game is not complete at all. Many stages aren't playable.
The best of the best! Tengen Tetris proto is very cool. I would like to own this game.
Wizardry 2 was sold to Nes God for around $100.
This proto isn't supposed to be that fun. It is World Champ.
This cart is of Young Indy. Not much is known about it.