Kevin Rice
Kevin is my co-director in the Akron chapter of PACE. He has been denied access to his children for eight years by false accusation of a psychologist that he never met with. That's right, NEVER MET.
He has voluntarily taken numerous tests to prove his innocence and yet the courts refuse to recognize the truth in his matter. He has appealed his case but did it pro se because of the costs that have placed on him. The courts said that he had a case but ruled against him because of a minor paperwork mistake in documentation.
Below is an editorial that he wrote and has had published in the paper.
Alive and well, lurking around the American courtroom, is the so-called 'expert witness' (aka Hired Gun). Hired guns are actually titled professionals, who are paid well to render 'expert testimony' on behalf of an attorney's client. The Gun may be a licensed psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist or doctor who will be ever so happy to say any thing under oath during a court case in order to placate the paying client. This is doubly disgusting as their testimony may be false, and they are immune from reproach and legal reprisal because of their professional title.
These unscrupulous individuals can produce an inordinate amount of chaos in the justice system, not to mention the damage they can cause to people's lives, as they have a license to legalized slander. Unfortunately, lawyers and judges refuse to admonish Hired Guns, as they are a part of the court's good ole boy sanctum.
Anyone sworn in as an expert witness on the day of court should be made strictly accountable for both the oral and written testimony that they deliver, which pertains to their client's adversary. They must be able to prove what they render in court.
A premier recommendation to weed out the pandering Hired Guns from our courts is to place some of the burden of proof on them. Further, the 'expert witness' must be subject to a polygraph exam or voice- stress test.
In the meantime, it is the responsibility of judges and magistrates to monitor all expert witnesses to ensure that their evidence and testimony can be validated. Honest, justice- seeking Americans deserve integrity in the courtroom.
There is no place for prostitutes of the court, who sell lies to unethical lawyers and clients.
Kevin Rice
Co-Director PACE Akron
Wickliffe, Ohio
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