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Henry Dunant 1971 1977 1978 1980 1990 1996 1997 1998



                            OFFICE BEARERS :

                    Patron                    : Mr. William Hsu

                    Youth officer         : Mr. Lu

                    Chairman              : Ngu Ngiik Ping

                    Vice-Chairman    : Wong Ing Tung

                    Secretary               : Kong Sien Then

                    Vice-Secretary      : Suzi Ting Kiong

                    Treasurer                : Lu Yew Hee

                    Quartermaster      : Monica Wong




            The Red Crescent Society has emerged as one of the most active extra-curricular activities in the school. The members are divided into four section namely section A,B,C,D and each section has its own section-leader and lane section leader.

            The weekly meeting was usually held on Sunday at 2:30pm. During the meeting, they usually have Mr. Tham Bak Ming to give them lectures on first-aid ( both practical and theory ). Moreover, they often have competitions among sections, recreation, singing, foot drill and so on.

            The unit also took part in a number of community services like helping in school sports meet and inter-secondary school sports day, some members were sent to help the aged in the old-aged home.


            Trips are organized to places like See Hua Daily News Berhad, Telecoms and the 21st Mile Army Camp, Oya Road.



            1) Footdrill competition ( 1st place )

            2) March past during Inter House Sports Meet  ( 1st place )

            3) First aid competition ( 1st runner-up )

            4) Inter-unit quiz competition organized by VAD  ( 1st runner-up )


            The vice-chairman, Mr. Wong Ing Tung was selected to represent the 3rd Division in the annual in Kuala Lumpur. Three members participated in Training Camp organized by Youth Leader Committee during the 1st term holiday.




      Pictures during on of the Trip..                           Discipline is the key to success...






Do you know that the Red Cross symbol is really  a Switzerland flag with opposite colours?





Red Crescent or Red Cross is founded by Mr. Henry Dunant after witnessing a war at Solferino





The Methodist Red Crescent Society have a long history. It had been around since the formation of Malaysia which is in the year 1963, but it was inactive the year after.  The unit was revived at the year 1967 and had become the oldest Red Crescent Youth Unit in Sibu.