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Henry Dunant 1971 1977 1978 1980 1990 1996 1997 1998



                                    In our school the first unit was founded as early as 1963. In 1965, Mr. E. Temple, who was at that time a teacher in the school, led the unit and held the regular weekly meeting in the biology laboratory. The movement continued until 1967 when the unit closed down due to some difficulties. Then in 1969, about 12 of the students, from our school joined the Voluntary Aid Depatchment of the Sibu Red Cross Society. At the beginning of this year, under the patronage of encouragement of the principal and advice from headquarters, the Junior Red Cross was re-established with 80 members, ranging from transition to Form Six students. The enrolment ceremony was held on the 16th of June 1971 and was officiated by the President of sibu Red Cross Society, Dr. Wong Soon Kai, in the presence of the Principal and Dean, as well as officers-in-charge of the Junior Red Cross from the Headquarters.

                                    The students from lower forms have their regular practice and lessons in the school weekly, while the senior students have their regular lectures and practice in Headquarters. In the lectures and practice, we learn practical first aid, such as bandaging, artificial respiration and dressing, while on the theory side, we learn of blood circulatory system..


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Do you know that the Red Cross symbol is really  a Switzerland flag with opposite colours?





Red Crescent or Red Cross is founded by Mr. Henry Dunant after witnessing a war at Solferino





The Methodist Red Crescent Society have a long history. It had been around since the formation of Malaysia which is in the year 1963, but it was inactive the year after.  The unit was revived at the year 1967 and had become the oldest Red Crescent Youth Unit in Sibu.