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Henry Dunant 1971 1977 1978 1980 1990 1996 1997 1998


A   visit   to  the  Fire  Department



Teacher adviser :   Mdm Yew Siu Sien

                                    Mdm Ting Nguok Sing


Executive Committee year 1990/1991


President               : Tay Cho Seng

Secretary              : Izan Norahim

Vice Secretary     : Tan Shen Eu

Treasurer               : Kong Lee Ching


The Methodist Red Crescent Youth Unit had been revived at the year 1967 and this made our society the oldest Youth Unit in the Sibu Division.


Activities  throughout the year::


1.    On August, year 1990, the unit had sent a team to participate in the First Aid Competition organized by the MRCS Sibu Chapter. The team had gained the second place overall.


2.    The unit had also sent a team to participate in the Footdrill competition.


3.    The unit had participated in the National Day parade representing Sibu Diviision.


4    Besides that they had also participated in the Flag Selling Campaign.


5.    On the month of November, the Methodist Youth Unit collaborated with Tung Hua Youth Unit to organized the "kursus Latihan Belia MTH 90" for 4 days from 14 till 18 of November.


6    After the school holiday, the unit had elected new board of directors from Form

4. They would take over the administration for the year 1991-1992.






        A  visit  to Kem Rascom                                            Kem  MTH  1990







Do you know that the Red Cross symbol is really  a Switzerland flag with opposite colours?





Red Crescent or Red Cross is founded by Mr. Henry Dunant after witnessing a war at Solferino





The Methodist Red Crescent Society have a long history. It had been around since the formation of Malaysia which is in the year 1963, but it was inactive the year after.  The unit was revived at the year 1967 and had become the oldest Red Crescent Youth Unit in Sibu.