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Henry Dunant 1971 1977 1978 1980 1990 1996 1997 1998



Teacher advisor    : Mdm Ting Nguok Sing

                                    Mdm Yew Siew Sien


Executive Committee year 1995/1996


President                : Chew Ka Yii

Vice President      : Ting Lik Ho

                                 : Ting Meng Mee

Secretary               : Wong Teck Ngin

Vice Secretary     : Cynthia Lim

Treasurer                : Victor Wong

Vice Treasurer      : Lai Lik kah

Quartermaster      : Goh Aik Sing

Quarter mistress   : Chiew Siew Fong



Activities for the year 1995/1996  


January - Annual General Meeting was organized

                 - Donation for the Orphanage Fund

                 - Duty for sports day

                 - The unit obtained Second place in the Inter-House Sports Meet.


February - Inspection of uniform had been organized.

                  - The unit obtained fourth place in the First Aid Competition.


March     - Parade and duty at the Circus

                  - Intensive Course was organized

                  - First Aid Course was organized


April         - Marching Course was organized

                  - Stretcher Marching Course was organized

                  - Participated in the Flag Selling Campaign.


May         - Participated in the World Red Cross Day Parade. ( 2nd place )

                  - Two members had been selected to participate in the Serian Camp


June        - Methodist Camp-3 was organized at school. About 70 members

                    participated in the camp.

                  - 8 members had been selected to participate in the Marching

                     Course organized by MRCS Sibu Chapter.


July          - Promotion was organized to attract more members

                  - Inspection of uniform was organized

                  - Party for the members who were sitting for the SPM and PMR.

                  - 22 members participated in the Footdrill competition ( 1st place )


August     - Inspection of uniform was organized

                  - 8 members had been selected to participate in the Jungle Camp

                     organized by the MRCS Sibu Chapter..

                  - A team was dispatched to participate in the National Day Parade


September  - Inspection of uniform was organized

                       - Mini sports organized by Methodist  Youth Unit.


October       - Inspection of uniform was organized

                       - A talk on First Aid was organized

                       - Quiz was organized


November  - Educational trip to Bintulu and Miri

                       - Participated in the Sports Carnival organized by MRCS Sibu



December  - Members had been sent to participate in the talk about Kidney

                          and AIDS.

                       - Sent members to the  "Youth Study Visit "

                       - Several activities were organized to attract new members.










Do you know that the Red Cross symbol is really  a Switzerland flag with opposite colours?





Red Crescent or Red Cross is founded by Mr. Henry Dunant after witnessing a war at Solferino





The Methodist Red Crescent Society have a long history. It had been around since the formation of Malaysia which is in the year 1963, but it was inactive the year after.  The unit was revived at the year 1967 and had become the oldest Red Crescent Youth Unit in Sibu.