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Henry Dunant 1971 1977 1978 1980 1990 1996 1997 1998


Teacher advisor : Mdm Ting Nguok SIng

                                  Puan Latifah


Executive Officer Committee ( EXCO ) Year 1996/1997


President                : Yii Yong Lee

Vice President      : Tang Chung Ming

Secretary               : Ling Tuong Thai

Vice Secretary     : Olivia Tiong Kai Ching

Treasurer                : Chua Yong Hui

Quarter mistress   : Ngu Kat Ing

                                 : Yeo Ya Wei



Objectives of the Society :


1) Produce leaders with great discipline, dedication and a vision for success.

2) Introduce Malaysia Red Crescent Society and its activities to the members.

3) Equipped members with the essential knowledge of First aid so as to use this knowledge in times of trouble

4) Involve the members in community services to form a caring society

5) Instill unity and friendship among the members



Activities-activities throughout the year of 1996/1997


December       - Promotion to attract members was organized. Activities such as

                               exhibition, CPR demonstration and "team work" was organized.

                            - Exchange of poses during the Annual General Meeting and a

                               dinner were organized.

                            - Donation for the Orphanage Home was launched


January            - Two team from our society were sent to participate in the Inter-Unit

                               First Aid Competition.


February            - A few members were sent to participate in the dinner organized by

                                 St. Elizabeth before Chinese New Year.

                              - Our team participate in the Sports Day parade.

                              - Duty during Sports Day


March                 - Duty during rugby competition and swimming competition

                                organized by Majlis Sukan Sekolah Rendah ( MSSR )

                              - Activities like "Treasure Hunt" were organized during weekly


                              - Members participated in the Annual General Meeting at MRCS

                                 Headquarters Sibu.


April                     - A visit to the biscuit factory and newspaper factory at See Hua Daily


                              - Two team were sent to participate in the World Red Cross Day


                              - "Mass Enrolment " was organized at HQ.


May                      - Activities such as wearing uniform every month was organized

                               - Duty during the inter-division rugby competition.


June                     - Methodist Camp-4 was organized for 4 days and 3 nights.


July                       - Our unit sent a team to participate in the Footdrill competition

                               - Mini sports was organized.

                               - Theory tests were given to members before First Aid test were given

                                  at the month of October.

                               - Duty at the football competition at Sekolah Menengah Kerajaan

                                  Kampung Nangka.


August                  - A few members attended AGM of Secret Heart Youth Unit.

                               - Duty at Esplanade Garden.

                               - A few members participated in the Mini sports at SMK Kampung


                               - A few EXCO and AJK attended courses on "Home Nursing"

                               - A visit to YMCA resort.

                               - Courses on marching and First Aid were organized at school.


September          - Marching competition between members was organized.

                               - Theory test was given to the members.


October                - 70 members had taken the First Aid Test at HQ

                                - Duty during Taekwando competition


November           - Duty at Football competition and the "Bombaton Run ".


December            - Visit to Miri, Brunei and Bintulu which lasted 4 days 3 nights was


                                 - Duty during Marathon

                                 - Duty at General Hospital Sibu.




Achievements :


1) First Aid Competition ( 4th and 5th place )

2) Sports Day parade ( 1st place )

3) World Red Cross Day Parade ( 1st place )

4) Flag Selling ( 2nd place )

5) Footdrill competition ( 3rd place )





First Aid Competition :



                      "Teamwork "                                                              " Marching "






        Activities to promote unity.                                           Hey, Good Cooking !






                              " Y.M.C.A "                                                             Trip  to  Brunei.








Do you know that the Red Cross symbol is really  a Switzerland flag with opposite colours?





Red Crescent or Red Cross is founded by Mr. Henry Dunant after witnessing a war at Solferino





The Methodist Red Crescent Society have a long history. It had been around since the formation of Malaysia which is in the year 1963, but it was inactive the year after.  The unit was revived at the year 1967 and had become the oldest Red Crescent Youth Unit in Sibu.