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Azn Angels

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Why of all things did I pick AznAngels? Well it's basically because of all that I believe in. I believe that all though there are angels somewhere above us, there are some on earth too. What qualitites do the ones on earth have? Find out below. As to the Azn part, sorry to everyone who is not Azn. Those who are not can be angels too. To those of us who are not angels, we can try to be and recognize those who are.

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Qualitites of Angels
  • They help others achieve their dreams
  • They bring joy to others
  • They give all that they can
  • They live life to the fullest
  • They help people through bad times
  • They protect others, even at their own expense
  • They bring hope
  • They make others feel special
  • They are loyal
  • They never break promises
  • They forgive people
  • They know right from wrong
  • They do what needs to be done

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Ranbow Angel Bear



Moon Angels

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