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I want to say thanx to the following people (not necessarily in this order)
  • My brother, Steven, who helped me with all the HTML coding :)
  • My friend, Teri, for giving me great suggestions for what to put on my website
  • Wendy and Johnny for helping me name all the cute things I've adopted
  • Raymond for picking out the Egyptian maid and naming it for me
  • Matt and Lawrence for giving me the idea to make a website becuz theirs seemed so cool
  • Devil Wolf for making my castle for me! She also made this background set. :)
  • Kenny from Puter School for giving me the code to randomize links
  • All my netsisters who welcomed me and gave me many wonderful gifts
  • Everyone who has given me a gift to put on my gifts page
  • Everyone who has given me an award
  • Everyone who has taken the time to sign my guestbook, slambook and spirit book. And anyone who has left their link in my jumplist and anyone who has left their mark in my sticky pad.
  • The people who wrote the poems, quotes and stories that I've put up on my page
  • All my supporters who have been wonderful friends and without their support in the Webbrawls I don't know what I would've done
  • Everyone of you who have taken the time to check out my website and arrived at this page LOL
  • And most importantly my team leader in the webbrawls . . . ECHO! She is the best! She made some of the graphics that you are all seeing right now and she has been a great friend. YOU GO ECHO!

Thank you so much!

If you have helped with my website and think you deserve credit, please let me know.

Home AznAngels Quotes Poems

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There are counter kindred spirits who have visited my queendom.
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