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Gifts From Supporters

Click on the star. :p

These are gifts from my supporters while I was in the Webbrawls

Here's a gift from Elkhorn-Waterloo #38 for making it to the challenge!

suga challenge

This is a gift from my friend for getting to be a pixie!

pixie gift

This is a 1999 Christmas gift from Devil Wolf and WB Wolf. santa wolf
These are gifts from Spirit Central!

friendship gift
Thanx Karen!

Thanx Devil Wolf and WB Wolf!

Here are some gifts I've gotten from people for supporting their webpages.

These are gifts from Candi 4 voting 4 her website. Click on the gifts to go see her website. :)

Click here to go to Candi's Musical Angels Click here to go to Candi's Musical Angels

This is a gift from Fairy Artemis for voting 4 website. Click on the gift to go see her website. :)

Click here to go to The Realm of the Diva Fairy

This is a gift from Julie 4 voting 4 her website. Click on the gift to go to her website. :)

Click here to go to Julie Cookie's Web Page

This is a gift from Emmy for voting for her website. Click on the gift to go to her website. :)

Click here 2 go 2 Emmy's Web Site

This is a gift from Anne for voting for her website. Click on it to go to Anne's Angel Place.

Click to go to Anne's Angel Place

This are some gifts from Alec for voting for his website. Click on them to go to Alec's Wonderful World.

Click to go to Alec's Wonderful World click here

This is a gift from Lyn for voting for her website. Click on it to go to Lyn's Lair.

Click to go to Lyn's Lair

Thanks everyone!

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There are counter kindred spirits who have visited my queendom.

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Click on the star. :p