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"Out of every beginning comes a new ending, out of
every end springs a new beginning."
"Tell one your thoughts but beware of two. All
know what is known to three."
"None so good that he has no faults, none so bad
that he is worth naught."
"The mind knows only what lies near the heart."
"It is not enough to be good if you have the
ability to be better."
"Hide not your Talents; they for Use were made.
What's a Sundial in the Shade?"
"A broken bone can heal, but a wound a word opens
can fester forever."
"Those who have imagination without learning have
wings but no feet."
"Genius without education is like silver in a
"I hear and I forget. I see I remember. I do I
"Things that matter the most must never be at the
mercy of things that matter least."
"We write our own destiny. We become what we do."
"Never does nature say one thing and wisdom
"After I'm dead I'd rather have people ask why I
have no monument than why I have one."
"What you have become is the price you paid to get
what you used to want."
"Millions long for immortality who don't know what
to do on a rainy afternoon."
"The differnce between genius and stupidity is
that genius has it's limits."
"One must fight for a life of action, not
"Vision is the art of seeing things invisible."
"Joy and courage make a handsome face."
"Without some goal and some effort to reach it, no
one can live."
"It is no sin to attempt and fail. The only sin
is to not make the attempt."
"After all there is but one race - humanity."
"It is only in the giving of oneself to others
that we truly live."
"Nothing is interesting if you are not
"There is no greatness where there is no
simplicity, goodness and truth."
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder."
"I am because we are, and since we are therefore I
"The love of money is the tail of witchcraft."
"Everything will satisfy you except money, as much
as you have, so much more you will want."
"Wealth is a fog that is soon dispersed."
"Money is the root of all evil."
"Children are the wisdom of the nation."
"Where there is an old man, one doesn't ask the
advice of a young man."
"It takes a whole village to raise a single child."
"Better to lose a little money than a little
"Laughter gives confidence; it's absence causes
"You'll never find yourself until you face the
"Wisdom is not medicine to be swallowed."
"You want it all, you lose it all."
"One hand can't tie a bundle."
"The best passion is compassion."
"A good friend shields you from the storm."
"Genuine gold fears not fire."
"A tree has it's roots, a stream it's source."
"You cannot clap with one hand."
"Eyes that see, do not grow old."
"A good friend is better than a near relation."
"All that glitters is not gold."
"Money can't buy happiness."
"Don't cry over spilt milk."
"See before you tie how you can untie."
"When one is helping another, both gain strength."
"Those who love you will make you weep."
"There is no price for good advice."
"There is no secret that sooner or later will not
be revealed."
"A good beginning is half the work done."
"Let everyone mind their own business."
"Every tear has a smile behind it."
"Good advice is often annoying - bad advice never
"All happiness is in the mind."
"If it were not for hope, the heart would break."
"Memory is life's clock."
"Handsome is as handsome does."
"Virtue is not knowing but doing."
"Common sense is not so common."
"No sin is hidden to the soul."
"The greatest tranqiulity is when we desire
"The truly rich, are those who enjoy what they
"Necessity is a great teacher."
"You learn through mistakes - no one was born a
"There is no glory without sacrifice."
"Every cloud has a silver lining."
"Liberty has no price."
"A friend - one soul, two bodies."
"Life without a friend is death without a
"Make a friend when you don't need one."
"No one is hurt by doing the right thing."
"The pleasure of doing good is the only one that
will not wear out."
"Thanks cost nothing."
"When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy."
"Nothing dries sooner than tears."
"The best candle is understanding."
"Action is the proper fruit of knowledge."
"A life without love is like a year without
"Money buys everything but good sense."
"What was hard to bear is sweet to remember."
"Deliberate slowly, execute promptly."
"Everything is good for something."
"The higher you climb the harder you fall."
"We are the authors of our own disasters."
"The firm tree doesn't fear the storm."
"All temptations are found in either hope or
"One head cannot hold all wisdom."
"Words are mere bubbles of water; deeds are drops
of gold."
"Beauty without virtue is like a flower without
"There is no strength without unity."
"A friend's eye is a good mirror."
"Every rose has it's thorn."
"The grass is always greener on the other side of
the fence."
"He who hesitates is lost."
"If you want to feel rich, just count all the
things you have that money can't buy."
"It takes a thousand voices to tell a single
"You never lose by loving. You always lose by
holding back."
"It's all right letting yourself go, as long as
you can get yourself back."
"Truly loving means letting go of all
"If you judge people, you have no time to love
"A friend is a gift you give yourself."
"All you need is love."
"First say to yourself what you would be; then do
what you have to do."
"Peace, like charity, begins at home."
"If you would be loved, love and be lovable."
"You never know what happiness a simple act of
kindness will bring about."
"What's important in life is how we treat each
"We should be careful to get out of an experience
only the wisdom that is in it."
"Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But
you learn, my God do you learn."
"In the darkest hour the soul is replenished and
given strength to continue and endure."
"Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others
cannot keep it from themselves."
"Knowledge is love and light and vision."
"Face the thing you fear, and you do away with
that fear."
"Many people will walk in and out or your life,
but only true friends will leave footprints in
your heart."
"To handle yourself, use your head, to handle
others, use your heart."
"Anger is only one letter short of danger."
"If someone betrays you once, it's his fault. If
he betrays you twice, it's your fault."
"Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss
events; Small minds discuss people."
"God Gives every bird it's food, but He does not
throw it into it's nest."
"He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a
friend, loses more; He who loses faith, loses
"Beautiful young people are acts of nature, but
beautiful old people are works of art."
"Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live
long enough to make them all yourself."
"The tongue weighs practically nothing, but so few
people can hold it."
"Friends, you and me . . . you brought another
friend . . . and then there were 3 . . . we
started our group. . .Our circle of friends . . .
and like the circle . . . there's no
beginning . . . there is no end."
"It seems that in this world we were piling up
hurt upon hurt, and hate upon hate, and then hurt
upon hurt again. Forgiveness. We couldn't
forgive. We could only hate when we were hurt.
And then the hurt and the hate would start up
again - all in a terrible circle."
"And forget not that the earth delights to feel
your bare feet and the winds long to play with
your hair."
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard
"Friendship is a special gift tied with a ribbon
of love."
"Let us put aside the teachings, preconceptions,
expectations... let us put aside the need to
measure, weigh, catalogue... and listen with our
hearts and souls to the soft, unheard voices of
those who will speak to us about our truth, which
is our own, and nobody else's."
"Let us walk our talk, let us sow the seeds that
will birth our favorite flowers, whichever they
might be, for all flowers are beautiful, their
blossoms overflowing with life giving nectar."
"Let us be angels to one another. Let us be that
kind word, the unexpected gift, the sincere smile,
the open arms...... for, is there anything else
more precious than Love?"
"Let us see ourselves in our sisters and brothers,
in every tree, every mountain, the winged ones and
those who roam the Earth and swim in the oceans.
Let our hearts beat as One. Free the rainbows that
live within us, and send them around the Earth in
a blissful dance. Feel the warmth, touch the
light, seize the stars and wish all our wishes,
ALL of them, and then some."
"May we walk in peace with everything that is,
that has been, that will be."
"Remember to stand on the ground, our head in the
clouds, our arms outstretched wide, welcoming, and
let our heart be the middle point, the open door,
flowering garden of our dreams."

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