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Top 10 Reasons to Watch / Renew PREY

Back on June 11th, ABC posted a Top 10 reasons to watch PREY. I responded with my own Top 10- the Top 10 reasons to renew PREY. See the text for both of them below. 

Gina Evers


#10- Dr. Walter Attwood's wardrobe. Will his vest match his jacket? Or will he toy with our minds and go for contrast? Will he dare to mix textures and prints? Will he ever reveal his true colors and, if so, will they be...primary?

#9- The Attractive Woman. Otherwise known as the Mystery Woman. Referred to by "PREY" message board users as "Limo Lady". We may not agree on her nickname but we definitely agree that she's a compelling and controversial character. Who's side is she on? And will she ever get out of that damned car?

#8- Randall Lynch. We know he's evil. And he's supposedly dead. But we want him to return. Actually we just want him. Bad.

#7- Bottomless pits, multiple uteruses, poisonous kisses, nanites, masking, mysterious tattoos...What will they think of next? We can't wait!

#6- Tom's mom. Did he really kill her? Was she really proud of him? Will they ever kiss again? Do we need to see a therapist?

#5- Dr. Sloan Parker is no classic beauty and that's only ONE of the things we love about her. She's brainy and brash and...well, a bit brazen. Especially when it comes to Tom. You go, girl!

#4- Ed. Will he ever get lucky?

#3- Ed. Hell....Will he ever get a life?

#2- Consider the alternative- reruns of "Seinfeld". At least this show is about something!

#1- Adam Storke. Need we say more?

Top 10 Reasons to Renew PREY-Gina Evers

#10- A compelling adult drama that grabs a wide range of viewers, but certainly appeals to the 18-49 year old women who you seem to so rabidly seek to attract.

#9- Timely, topical and thought-provoking. PREY entertains us and moves our minds and our hearts. PREY show cases a journey that we can all understand.

#8- Intriguing characters, multi-layered plots, ongoing discoveries, constantly presenting new reasons to tune in.

#7- A clear winner in your own online poll. Did any other show even come close to the percentages that PREY pulled in? Best show on ABC, best storyline, sexiest leading man, most missed show!! Am I missing something??

#6- Excellence in television, superb acting and direction. Moments that linger in the memory and heart.

#5- You have an audience for this show. There is a growing loyalty- 16 web sites, over 10,000 messages posted at our message board, by your own admission thousands of messages to you!! What do you think a slew of unknown shows can offer that will bring anything better to your network?

#4- With all due respect, if constant change in programming was the answer, market share would have gone up, not down with the virtual Rorschach test of programs that were held up and then snatched away this past season. Whatever your rationale for this constant upheaval, what you are doing with this reactive approach is creating a reactive audience that is becoming increasingly reluctant to bond with anything produced. This constant tinkering with shows and scheduling promotes the channel surfing that harms you. You have created your own enemy, an audience with a limited attention span and decreasing loyalty. If you want viewer loyalty, you have to allow that to develop with consistency and patience. How about it, do you have the willingness to develop your audience, your actors and your human resources?

#3- You have a ready network of individuals who are willing to work with you to promote PREY.

#2- Your quest for quality programming, for a program that grabs the viewer and holds on, that draws in the people that your advertisers want to reach is right in front of you. When was the last time a show so grabbed the attention of people who don't normally get involved?

#1- Simply the best network offering in years. Never in my life have I ever felt a show so pull at my heart and mind. Do you think that I am alone in this? If this extraordinary show can do that to me, to people across the nation and Canada after only 8 episodes sporadically presented, just think what the future could hold!

Gina Evers