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...on PREY and Our Campaign  In the last 5 months I have written literally hundreds of letters and postings for our "PREY For Us" campaign. Below are excerpts from some of my articles. Please feel free to use them in your letters. Enjoy 
- Gina Evers, first campaign coordinator and ongoing friend of PREY.

(from "History Makers")

I suppose a definition of history could be times in the course of humanity when groups of individuals have attempted to chart a different course for themselves and their society. Such a course is never easy or it would have already been attempted.  History makers are inherently risk takers. They are the pioneers, not the settlers. They are willing to dare greatly and risk failure in their attempt to achieve something which they value with all their hearts.

PREY was created by risk takers, by visionaries, and now it is being defended by other risk takers, us. Everyone involved with PREY knew the risks involved. They just had the courage to put their heart and vision, their passion and faith on the line.

The world may be mainly inhabited by settlers, but it is carried forward and enriched by the risk takers, the visionaries. The explorers may take the first "arrows", but in their hearts, the chance to create, to discover and to stretch the human experience are worth it. Their passion, their heart, light the way for all those who follow.

PREY lights the way for television. Thanks to all of you for having the heart and courage to carry the torch!

(from- "Any Network, Any Location- We Will Back PREY")

Hello Mr. Corcoran- 

PREY has our complete support and backing, our faith and passion, regardless of  network or filming location. Although those "details" are important in realizing PREY, the heart of PREY, the soul, the passion, come from ideas and the talented people who have brought those ideas to life. I certainly don't mean to trivialize the very real need to deal with finances and the business end of the industry. Quality takes money and resources to bring it to fruition. I do understand that. However, the heart of an outstanding show, the ability to engage people's hearts and minds, the qualities of excellent acting, writing, directing, and producing, those things don't come out of a wallet, they come out of the hearts and minds of talented individuals.  Money facilitates quality, true, but it doesn't create quality if it doesn't exist to start with.

What networks and studios should be doing is facilitating that excellence by taking care of the "details" that are business related. Remove barriers to excellence, support quality and the people who have the talent to create it, provide the appropriate resources, clear the path so that people can do what they do best. That is what the business people at WB and ABC need to be doing so you all can do what you do best-produce a quality show-PREY. 

In the current highly reactive environment where the networks are constantly chasing the elusive "instant megahit", good quality programs fail to be nurtured. It seems to me to make more sense to nurture and develop quality than to hope it falls on your head! I can only imagine what this environment does to the creative talent. If you have to spend so much time looking over your shoulder for falling axes, it must be hard to concentrate on the project in front of you.

Any obstacle can be overcome with enough passion and faith. Warner Brothers can find a way to give PREY the shot it deserves, if they truly see and believe in the quality it represents. They have the strength and the resources, I hope they have the vision and passion. If we don't pursue and nurture quality, we shouldn't be surprised that we don't get it. PREY is quality TV in my opinion. PREY is worth the passion and the effort to preserve it. We will stand beside and behind PREY.

(from- "Recognizing What to Value is a Constant Challenge")

One of the constant struggles we seem to have as humans is distinguishing what is valuable from what is merely flashy. If you look at what we value as a society (as measured by the amount of time, money, and interest we pay to it), we tend to go for the superficial and the extremes. Physically perfect bodies, extreme athletic prowess, outrageous behavior, outlandish wealth and power, these are the things that we seem to idolize and seek to emulate. We seem to be losing the ability or willingness, generally speaking, to see the qualities and things that should be valued and held up as examples of distinction and integrity.

In my opinion, PREY represents a quality that is rarely seen on television. It has an honesty and depth of performance that seems to get buried in the rush for inane sitcoms so prevalent across the dial. Is it "commercial"? Not in the sense that most people would recognize. Is it worth working so hard for? Yes, because the alternative is to watch quality fade away without protest.

(from- "Plenty of Heart to Go Around")

Here's what I say to the naysayers, the individuals with their own negative agendas, the people who, lacking the heart and guts to fight a battle themselves, prefer to carp from the sidelines- we will go around you, over you, or through you. There isn't a thing in the world you can do to stop or dissuade us. We know we are going against the odds, but we have the passion, the faith, and the courage to do it. You can attack us or ridicule us, but the one thing you won't be able to do is stop us. We will keep trying, we will hold our heads up and we will keep our hearts focused.  We will continue with grace and intellect. We invite you to join us, if you have the heart for it.

If not, sit back and watch what real passion looks like, you will see it in the hearts of the people working together to save this exceptional show.