Educator Licensure Courses
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Mesa State College Teacher Education Program
Mesa TEP


EDUC 220-3 Foundations and Legal Aspects of Education
Prerequisites: ENGW 111, ENGW 112, SPCH 102, Education file opened, 100 hours of experience with youth completed, letter of reference.
Course Description: Includes an overview of history, philosophy, finance, organizational and curriculum patterns, and current and legal issues appropriate for the beginning education student. Provides the prospective teacher an opportunity to analytically assess teaching-learning processes and the roles teachers must play in schools to meet the needs of students from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Includes a series of self-evaluation experiences and a 50-hour field experience in elementary and secondary schools. The development of a Professional Portfolio will begin in this class and will be continually refined throughout the sequence of education coursework.

EDUC 260-2 Teaching Diverse Populations
Course Description: An interdisciplinary course designed to acquaint students with socialization processes in pre-school through 12th grade classrooms historically and in a changing technological society. Cultural likenesses and differences, human relations and the nature of ethnicity are the major topics of study. The use of cooperative grouping encourages the exchange of sensitive ideas and the development of greater understanding and acceptance of differences. Some field experience may be required. Continuance of Professional Portfolio.

EDUC 320-3 The Developing Child in the School
Prerequisites: EDUC 220, PSYC 233 or equivalent, or may be taken concurrently; pass the PLACETM Basic Skills Assessment; cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or above in education courses, academic discipline and overall; formal admission to Mesa TEP.
Course Description: A course in applied educational psychology, preprimary through 12th grade. Allows the prospective teacher to formulate a set of useful classroom practices based on sound psychological and developmental principles, and consistent with current school practices and research. Refinement of Portfolio.

EDUC 325-3 Orientation to Educational Technology
Course Description: Designed to acquaint students with the role of audio-visual media and computers in preprimary and 12th grade education, this course will provide prospective teachers with the opportunity to become proficient in the operation of audio-visual equipment, video equipment and computers. In addition, students will develop and/or select effective materials and computer software. Skills applied to Professional Portfolio.

EDUC 350-3 Exceptionality in the Classroom
Course Description: A course providing information about various exceptionalities which include gifted and talented, abused children, ethnicity as it relates to exceptionalities. Special focus is on the development of educational methodology and strategies for the exceptional child in the regular classroom, preschool through 12th grade. Application of learning to Professional Portfolio.

EDUC 360-4 Teaching and Learning in the Secondary School
Course Description: A generic course in curriculum and classroom management. Provides the opportunity for prospective secondary teachers to associate theoretical approaches in teaching' with practical situations through simulations, such as reflective teaching, cooperative learning, case studies, modeling and/or microteaching. Requires the consolidation of skills and theories in prerequisite courses. Some field experience may be required. Continued Portfolio development.

EDUC 405-4 Reading and Writing in the Content Areas
Course Description: Attention is given to teaching developmental writing and reading at the secondary level (middle school and high school) within the content areas. Special emphasis is placed upon preparing lesson plans in various subject matter areas which expand reading and writing skills. Designed to help students improve their communication skills by providing them with the most current research and practice in reading and writing. Emphasis is on the process involved in bringing meaning to the printed word and the logical connection between reading and writing. Includes a 50-hour field experience. Refinement of Professional Portfolio utilizing reading/writing skills and methodology.

EDUC 499-2 Pre-Internship Seminar
Prerequisites:Completion of all requirements, professional education sequence, all general education requirements and the approval of the Director of Mesa TEP. Must be taken one semester prior to teaching internship and concurrent with EDUC 400 & EDUC 401 for elementary education students.

EDUC 499g-12 Teaching Internship and Colloquium: Secondary
Prerequisites: Completion of all general education requirements, all general education requirements, all academic requirement coursework; cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or above in education courses, academic discipline and overall; and the approval of the Director of Mesa TEP.