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Because I taught freshmen and our school did not have a specific study skills class, I felt the need to teach mini-lessons on study skills throughout the year. I really wanted to help these students learn skills that would help them cope with high school life. All of these worksheets I created myself; compiled them from research I had collected for many years.
Set Priorities. If you have lots to do, make a list of everything, then rank each task in A-B-C order. Do the A task first, the B task second, and so on down through your list. You'll worry less and get more accomplished.
Plan Some Time Just for Fun. Recreational time helps keep you mentally and physically healthy. But get your work done first. Free time feels freer when you don't have unfinished business.
Don't Procrastinate. Most people procrastinate for a reason. Maybe the task they're facing is too hard. Maybe it's too stressful. Whatever the cause, procrastination can become a bad habit. The best cure is simply to dig in and do the job. If you really, truly can't get started, talk it over with a friend, a teacher, or another trusted adult.
Plan Time to Get Organized. Getting organized takes getting used to. Plan a few minutes each day to work on your schedules and clean up your learning environment. Think about what you need to do and how you're going to do it. You'll save hours of time you might have wasted.
Be Flexible. Things change. Your schedule isn't carved in stone. Give yourself room to adapt to new circumstances and take advantage of new opportunities.
Find and Use Little Chunks of Time. Waiting for the bus, in between classes, just before your favorite TV show...these are all little chunks of time you can put to good use. Choose something small, get it done and get it out of the way.
Don't Overschedule Yourself. Some people overeat; others overschedule themselves. If you have too much to do, you need to go on a schedule diet. Review your activities. Which ones can you live without?