These are two sheets I hand out at the beginning of
the year as well. I think they give a pretty good feel for how
I feel about writing assignments in math AND organized notebooks...
"Mathematical Reflections" Writing Assignments
As part of your homework grade, you will be expected to write a reflection
of the current lesson: 1/3 of your homework grade will be these writing assignments.
(Which works out to he a total of 13-1/3% of your total grade!) In your notebook
section labeled "Reflections", you will write no fewer than 8 lines on any or
all of the following topics:
- what was today's lesson about?
- what did or didn't make sense to me (questions I have about the assignment).
- definitions of terms I'm struggling with and/or formulas I need to commit
to memory (in semi- complete sentences).
- what my study plan is for the upcoming test or what areas I need to studv
more before the test.
- what Mrs. Rust needs to explain better in her lecture.
- profound thoughts I've had ("a-ha" moments).
As part of your test grade (after the tests are handed back) you will write
no fewer than 6 lines on any or all of the following:
- problems I missed and what I did wrong.
- my study plan and how it did or did not work, how I can improve my plan
for next test.
- What areas I did not study well enough.
Notebook Requirements
Every student must keep an organized notebook. There will be 6 sections, each
clearly labeled with dividers.
- Introductory Paperwork -- syllabus, gradesheet. assignment sheet(s), "notebook"
- Notes/Handouts
- --must have all notes for quarter/semester.
- --notes will be checked for content
- --all notes must be clearly labeled with dates and section headings.
- Homework --must have all homeworks for current chapter.
- "Reflections"
- --must have all reflections for quarter/semester.
- --must be clearly labeled with dates & section headings.
- Tests/Quizzes --must have all tests/quizzes for quarter/semester.
- Miscellaneous --anything else I tell you to keep that is not obviously in
any other category... I will pick up your notebooks on a regular basis. Please
keep your notebook organized at all times so you may recieve full credit for
your notebook.