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I really do read all the message board and guestbook entries. I do. In fact, I have a copy of each and every one sent to my e-mail box just to keep me up to date. I have noticed tyhe flames that appear every so often... Jason SUX! Freddy will kick his @$$! Does it bother me? Not really. After running this website for about 5 years, I'm used to it. There will always be people with 45 IQ's on the internet, and they always seem to find me. What does bother me though is the need some of you have for flaming back. Now some of you are smart enough to simple tell folks to chill out, and I appreciate that. For the rest of you, let me give you some advice... CHILL OUT For one thing, these people want to start a flame war and you are being played for chumps. Chumps
Do you wanna be a chump? Huh? Do ya? No, I didn't think so. You should at least be smart enough to realize that I could erase any message that I wanted to (and at one time, I used to). As time moved on, I decided to leave those idiotic messages alone for a reason... Let the fools be marked for who they are.
A lot of you hope that the Freddy Vs. Jason movie comes out soon. With the way some of you act, I can't understand why. You seem to act as if Freddy is the worst thing to happen to slasher films since the formation of the MPAA. With that kind of attitude, I don't understand why you'd want a movie about Jason to be ruined by half of it centering on Freddy. I almost wonder if New Line hasn't side-tracked the movie because YOU PEOPLE seem so against the idea of a movie starring another horror icon. To the rest of you... The Wicker Man is out on DVD. Have you seen the limited edition wood-box version? Pretty cool, huh? |